want to do acid, what should I expect?


Well-Known Member
I want to do acid when I move to Ohio, but I have no idea what to expect. The closest thing to hallucinogenics I have done are salvia and OTC cough syrups. Granted the last time I did salvia I tripped fucking balls ( my friends yard turned into an Elf Kingdom with toadstool mushrooms growing out of the ground).

And can you tell if you are getting good or bad acid by looking at it? I have heard good acid is acid and bad acid is meth or rat poison.
smoke weed that you grew your self and leave the rest alone ..drugs are bad MMmm Kayyyy..look at the story of bad acid in north cali last month ,google it ,some dude castrated his self ,another guy was throwing his self against the ground causing massive injury ....sounds like a great idea


Well-Known Member
acid is NEVER meth or strychnine - it can be a different psychedelic drug, but your chances are small of encountering them..
far more likely than 'bad' acid - you will get bunk - watch out for paper that was clearly torn like normal paper - people will sell you toilet paper if they can.. blotter acid should be neatly cut, stiff paper - often with colorful images - often plain white.. other forms of acid are more reliable - gels and microdots are never bunk from my experience - liquid is also a safe option..


Well-Known Member
People like yourself need some proper drug education... too many D.A.R.E. programs for you!

LSD is the most lovely experience in your life.... and possibly the safest chemical out there... no one has ever overdosed on acid!

Good pure LSD25 is an incredible experience.

Dont expect anything. just drop two and smoke some bowls.


bud bootlegger
i love good lsd.. i have heard that its kinda hard to come by nowadays, and what your more likely to get is one of the newer rc's that are out there..
acid is everything that you think it is, you will see sounds and hear colors... very cool experience.. get together with a good friend, get some good tunes and some good bud, and have an experience of a lifetime.. open the doors of perception..


lsd is good and bad imho man. the nice trips which account for 99% of my experiences..were fckin nice. the one bad trip from years ago stands out the most tho. well sort of anyway. theres nothing like spending the night with every single sound, thought, voice etc in fast forward lol. it still didnt put me off trying them a few more times so i suppose it was more freaky weird than put ya in the nut house weird.

i did an alien blotter a few months back but they were old tabs that were stashed away from ages back. still they were nice enuff and the hours spent watching trance vids flew by lol. id suggest sticking with weed but if ya gonna be doing acid do it with a few close mates and avoid head screwing idiots and busy streets..it can take an age to walk around a church that aint there while trippin on acid and gas!!.

anyhows lsd isnt really what id call a party drug but a little rave in the field can be fun. but still out of lsd coke speed ups downers gas petrol. salvia. shrooms. lsa. etc etc etc.. weed is by far the best and safest drug out of em all. whatever ya decide stay safe and and stay lucky



Well-Known Member
Salvia is not that far off from acid in some respects, how slyly it can slide in an unexpected visual as big as the eye can see.
I would say that in some of its qualities salvia is closer to lsd than mushrooms... except for the duration I would say and the not knowing who or what or where you or anything is....except acid has done that to me allready... was terrifying.
Normally with acid by the point you feel you had enough now and it must stop NOW, only like 3 hours passed and there is probably at least 3 more hours of crazy ahead.
You learn alot about how strong the mind can be.

The only thing worse than too much acid, is too little acid.


i'll give you the most important advice you will get - if you're going to do acid, PLAN IT OUT!!!

the absolute most important thing when tripping is the environment. this includes people and places. for your first trip, i would recommend getting at least one really good friend that you trust completely and getting a house or some place where you can stay the wholeeee night without ever worrying about getting caught or what if my parents come in 10 hours or whatever. find a place where you can stay for AT LEAST the next entire day that way when you're tripping and telling yourself "holy shit i have 5 hours left!" you won't start bugging out and instead will be happy about it.

and also very important, plan things to do while you're there, make sure your friend trips with you cause sober people are just weird when you're on acid. and greatest of all - SMOKE WEED! it intensifies everything so much and calms you down like crazy!! just plan everything before hand cause when you're tripping, time and space lose meaning, trust me on that! at least for the first few times....


Well-Known Member
man I remember the last time I tripped acid.

I went with friends to the 'Memphis in May' concert in Memphis (This was back in 2006).. but we mainly went because DUB magazine was holding a DUB show at the pyramid arena. But, we wound up going two days before the DUB show started so that we could have some fun as well. We wound up going to the "Hippy Park" (I'm sure some of you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about..) and when we got to the hippy park, we found this dude there that had some acid. Blotted Paper hits.. he was only charging 15/hit. But man, that night was fucking crazy. We walked all fucking night, up and down Beal Street.. and once the acid kicked in.. WOW!

All the resteraunts had these bright ass neon signs.. some flashing.. some not.. some were even animated in seemed. Plus, the live music that was playing.. man.. that was the best fucking trip I've ever had. Period.

Was just a blast man.. and I remember everything really just being a blur kinda.

If I had to suggest a drug.. that even comes CLOSE to how an acid trip is.. I would have to go with X. Taking X is very similar to doing acid.. in most aspects.

I still wish I could find a local that knew where some was.. I'd love to trip acid again. Before I get too old.. :|

OH!!! AND! before I forget.. I remember looking at my pupils.. in my eyes.. and my pupils were fucking HUGE! It was kinda a trip in itself, just seeing my eyes and how big they were.. while I was still tripping. Shits crazy man..

anyhow, be careful.. but have FUN! If you go into a trip, and you were in a bad mood before taking the acid.. then your not going to have a pleasant trip. But, if you make sure that your in a good mood.. before tripping.. you'll have the trip of your life!

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
man I remember the last time I tripped acid.

I went with friends to the 'Memphis in May' concert in Memphis (This was back in 2006).. but we mainly went because DUB magazine was holding a DUB show at the pyramid arena. But, we wound up going two days before the DUB show started so that we could have some fun as well. We wound up going to the "Hippy Park" (I'm sure some of you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about..) and when we got to the hippy park, we found this dude there that had some acid. Blotted Paper hits.. he was only charging 15/hit. But man, that night was fucking crazy. We walked all fucking night, up and down Beal Street.. and once the acid kicked in.. WOW!

All the resteraunts had these bright ass neon signs.. some flashing.. some not.. some were even animated in seemed. Plus, the live music that was playing.. man.. that was the best fucking trip I've ever had. Period.

Was just a blast man.. and I remember everything really just being a blur kinda.

If I had to suggest a drug.. that even comes CLOSE to how an acid trip is.. I would have to go with X. Taking X is very similar to doing acid.. in most aspects.

I still wish I could find a local that knew where some was.. I'd love to trip acid again. Before I get too old.. :|

OH!!! AND! before I forget.. I remember looking at my pupils.. in my eyes.. and my pupils were fucking HUGE! It was kinda a trip in itself, just seeing my eyes and how big they were.. while I was still tripping. Shits crazy man..

anyhow, be careful.. but have FUN! If you go into a trip, and you were in a bad mood before taking the acid.. then your not going to have a pleasant trip. But, if you make sure that your in a good mood.. before tripping.. you'll have the trip of your life!

Good luck!

In no fashion is mdma and lsd alike... I wouldn't even compare them... not sure where to go with that!

But, they are the best two combined drugs... thats for sure ;)


never did troll....do remember though looking in the mirror and seeing my face melt off lol :P my friend looked like a lizard and i "saw" what music looks like, visually. shit was crazy, outer boundaries of the mind that you'll never activate without something. there is one doctor in the US who is allowed, federally, to treat patients with LSD. there are patients with migraines so severe it debilitates them, so this doctor gave them a hit of LSD, once, and their migraines went away forever, after years and years of trying many different radical treatments.

just goes to show, for every drug, no matter how hard it is, there is some sort of practical use for it. just like bayer used to hand out heroin for headaches....


Active Member
Checkout Pink Floyds The Wall once you get gone, amazing animated visuals in that movie. Also Heavy Metal the movie, is amazing with its animated visuals. Pretty much anything animated is good for tripping, you can't really go wrong. I usually just put the TV on the cartoon channel, and leave it there for the entire trip session, each time. You will be surprised at just how entertaining cartoons can be while on LSD. Music can also modulate the tone of your trip, depending on how you perceive the sounds that are flowing into your mind. I usually listen to quite a bit of Pink Floyd while tripping, always sets a constant good vibe for the night, also some techno/trance shit like Apex Twin. My buddy seems to like the more dark insane type trips, and usually listens to slipknot the entire time.