Want to Fimm and/or Top My Clones. Pics Tell Me Where to Cut

I have a bunch of Bubba clones which have been in my room 2 weeks (probably 4 weeks old total), still in 20/4 veg and will be for a while. Most of the Bubbas look likev this:DSCF1264.jpgDSCF1263.jpg

Short (4-5"), stocky and bushy, etc.

6 or 7 look like this:

7-8" tall, not as bushy, generally healthier.

I think I want to fimm the little ones and top the big ones (possibly re-using the the tops as more clones).

I went onto Uncle Ben's topping guide and it seemed pretty good. Are these plants ready for that kind of top yet? They have 4-5 nodes... I have noticed that in most of the pictures I've seen, the 'nodes' seem to have 2 symmetric stems growing fan leaves out opposite each other... mine don't seem to do that (usually just one). Does that make a difference?

Fimming actually seems a little easier and less invasive, and seems like it'd work well on these short, bushier guys. I think I'll let them veg up another 4 or 5 days, but when I do... when they say take '80%' of the new growth and cut it off... are they just meaning the growth since the last node? Or anything still developing? My last few nodes seem like they'd qualify as 'new growth', so I don't know if I'm just taking the latest leave thats popped out and most of its stem, or what.

I'm a pretty visual guy, really the best thign would be if someone would mspaint a 'cut here' line on my pictures. But I'll take any help I can get... thanks!


Well-Known Member
In the past I've always topped before, but it seems to stop the plant growth for up to a week before it takes off again. I'm going to try fimming this time, as you said it seems like it would be less stressful. Personally I'd wait til they are a bit more developed, mine are a little bigger than yours, gonna wait til I transplant next few days, give them a few days to adjust and then go for it.

But there are folks here with more expertise than me
the other reason topping seems like a good idea for the tall ones is that I want an even canopy, and the gap between the tall ones and not-as-tall ones seems like it'll just get bigger. Plus... whatever I cut off should be pretty close size-wise to whats left, so in theory I might have 6 or 7 more viable clones.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's true. Another way to accomplish that is to tie branches down. Had a sativa last year and when it got close to flower I tied the main branches down, they developed a lot of good colas and kept the plant from getting too tall (even tho I topped it early on)
u need to read up your a couple laps down
I did. Its tough to get started on the 4000 pages of those how to threads though.

My plants look slightly different than the ones in Uncle Ben's thread... can anyone explain (or confirm) where I shoudl do the topping and/or fimming on these plants?