Want to Grow legally in CA. need a warehouse.


Active Member
For what it is worth, I live in Montana..

My state was raided by Fed's on the 15th (bet you never heard anything about it on the news either) in a MASSIVE raid of all the big warehouse grows. 4 of the biggest and 29 raids in all.

Millions in cash,, all lights and equipment and of course plants were confiscated by the Feds and they didn't even arrest a single person.

As other states vote in med mj, it has upped the ante on the Feds to bully, scare, steal and intimidate .. if 2/3rds of the States get med MJ, it supposedly legally has to be reclassified as schedule 3.

LAST thing I would even THINK about for the next year or two is a 'warehouse'... unless you have great lawyers (then again, did I mention NO charges were filed in this massive state wide raid).. and a ton of money and like to start things from scratch over and over and over.

The Feds put out a memo right after, a few days back, that said while their concern is not over individuals using or growing for personal (yet), they indeed intend to shut down any outfit growing for more than a handful of people at any one time.


Their new gig seems to be to just go in and grab all the cars and money they can, but not arrest anyone so it keeps it almost low profile for them.

Whatever that is worth...


Well-Known Member
Police departments in MMJ states are hurting for funding, because they don't seize what they used to... Those raids are purely to seize assets and funds. It is legal theft...

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
Yes you are, as a Caretaker for Cali is limited to growing up to 99 mature plants, no matter how many patients they cover. But I heard there is a new way to grow up to 350 plants per person. But years of research, paperwork, and money, you may be able to get one. But then you pretty much growing for the Government.


King Tut
Police departments in MMJ states are hurting for funding, because they don't seize what they used to... Those raids are purely to seize assets and funds. It is legal theft...
Kinda made me chuckle for the simple reason that the dispensary I'm a member of is a VERY active supporter of the local PAL. As a matter of fact, I believe that the funds raised from the upcoming 4/20 raffle will all be going to them.:-P


Well-Known Member
There was a guy in SF who got busted for growing for 8000 patients... this being said, you can tag along a few people in your collective, but anything over 99 plants is probably going to get the feds involved, and no one wants that.
There was a guy in SF who got busted for growing for 8000 patients... this being said, you can tag along a few people in your collective, but anything over 99 plants is probably going to get the feds involved, and no one wants that.
damn 8000 is a fckin lot. as long as u don't tell evrybody where ur shit is.....there are a lot of collectives growing over 99. ur telling me oaksterdam and coffee shop blue sky don't have more than 99. that being said u better have william s. kroger or bruce margolian on reserve.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
In an effort to keep bad info from spreading, I'm going to toss in my 2 cents. We have a "Collective Association" in California, formed by a cannabis business attorney. Here's the info our lawyer gave us. We can technicall grow the aggregate number of plants from all of our members. However, when you start getting above 300 or so plants, you risk the local law enforcement contacting the Feds in the event of a raid. 1000 or more plants and they call em in alomost every time. We choose to grow 99 plants. This gives us a multi pronged deffense.

1. My rec alone alows 99 plants.
2. Our combined recs would allow thousands of plants...yet we grow 99.
3. If we just used California's 6/12 law (didn't lean on an the SB420 excemption that most of our recs have) we would still be allowed to grow well over 99 plants.

Here's the things our attorney said would trigger law enforcement to get ugly with us:

1. Growing and/or distributing in the area of any childerens area (schools, rec centers, etc...)
2. Guns
3. Excessive amounts of cash
4. Other drugs
5. Organized crime affiliation
6. Selling "out the back door" (which was the Feds #1 reason for the Montana raids)
7. Shoddy record keeping (if you're totally legal and compliant, make sure you can proove it on paper)
8. Advertising (This is a biggy in my county. Every collective that has advertised a delivery service has been shut down)
9. Turning a profit. (you can't make a profit. You have to prove that you are not. You can only be paid for your time, and charging more than $50/hr is a red flag as well. You can also, of course, be reimbursed for all of your growing costs. The toalt of all the costs to grow X amount determines the price you can charge for X amount. You're not going to get rich growing totally legal.)

I hear alot of talk in here about "caregivers". This is not a way to grow more plants. A caregiver must be responsable for the well being of the caregiven in more ways that just providing meds. The caregiver defense almost always fails. Now, IF you are taking care of grandma...mowing her lawn, taking her to her docs appointments, cleaning her house, etc..., you would have a caregiver defense if you were also growing her pot. But, be prepared to prove that you are indeed a caregiver in more ways than providing pot.

The only way to legally grow more is to form a collective. It would be insanity to do this without an attorney. The cost is around $3,000. We also see our attorney once per month to have him review our paperwork and advise us of any changes in this very dynamic legal issue. The safest type of collective a a small one, which fits the letter and spirit of the law)

This is info from our attorney. I would strongly advice anyone considering growing for more than themselves consult an attorney and ignore every single thing you read online. Including this. Only an attorney can tell you how to keep safe in your area.

Stay safe.