Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

heres a bunch of shots of our first grow. We had tons of problems from bugs, mold, nutrient problems, stress from everything from heat to excessive co2. Its been rough trying to get the my buddy, the homeowner/feeder/h20'r to get his shit together, needless to say. The pics make them look better they they actually are. What do you think? We want to chop these guys before they get worse (its been a gradual decline for the last 3 or 4 weeks). The buds dont look bad, its the rest of the plant that makes me want to weep like a baby. Thanks for any input guys!

everything i see there is ready for chop
View attachment 1137951View attachment 1137950View attachment 1137949View attachment 1137948View attachment 1137947View attachment 1137946 ok these are the pics i took today i checked again on all the difrent buds that i have taken the pics of and looks like maby30% amber but in places lots look like there still pretty transparant! anyway im shure you will have a idea ! you can see the purple in the leaves whare the temp has dropped in the last few weeks from 23 to about 15 to 20 but colder at nite about 10 . should i stop all nutes now do these buds look ok ?? smell great and very firm to touch even hard in places and nice and sticky !! amazing what your buds look like under a good jewlers loop or microscope!! got a small 60x lighted microscope and you wouldnt beleave the price !! got 2 30X brass jewlers loops and the 60x microscope all for a five pounds on ebay!!! anyway thanks for the help i look forward to the answer!! peace!!

your close has fuck... some people would harvest now..... others would havest the tops that are 30% amber leaving the rest to mature more.... i would harvest that plant in like 7-8 days.... just let the plant use all the nutes in its leaves and the calyxes swell a lil more
heres a bunch of shots of our first grow. We had tons of problems from bugs, mold, nutrient problems, stress from everything from heat to excessive co2. Its been rough trying to get the my buddy, the homeowner/feeder/h20'r to get his shit together, needless to say. The pics make them look better they they actually are. What do you think? We want to chop these guys before they get worse (its been a gradual decline for the last 3 or 4 weeks). The buds dont look bad, its the rest of the plant that makes me want to weep like a baby. Thanks for any input guys!

these look done. :)
View attachment 1137951View attachment 1137950View attachment 1137949View attachment 1137948View attachment 1137947View attachment 1137946 ok these are the pics i took today i checked again on all the difrent buds that i have taken the pics of and looks like maby30% amber but in places lots look like there still pretty transparant! anyway im shure you will have a idea ! you can see the purple in the leaves whare the temp has dropped in the last few weeks from 23 to about 15 to 20 but colder at nite about 10 . should i stop all nutes now do these buds look ok ?? smell great and very firm to touch even hard in places and nice and sticky !! amazing what your buds look like under a good jewlers loop or microscope!! got a small 60x lighted microscope and you wouldnt beleave the price !! got 2 30X brass jewlers loops and the 60x microscope all for a five pounds on ebay!!! anyway thanks for the help i look forward to the answer!! peace!!

those kinda look done. maybe give them another week.
Thanks for the quick response... Is she flowering with less than 12 hrs. darkness because of the decreasing daylight, and it knows the time is getting nearer?
got some messed up plants taking forever, these are all 12 weeks in bloom what you think?

IMAGE_670.jpg DNA Lemon skunk
IMAGE_667.jpg Bag Seed
IMAGE_668.jpg Barneys sweet tooth
IMAGE_678.jpg <---just the big top leaning to the left is from a plant 12 week in bloom the other plants are younger in this pic (this is bagseed)
I posted some shots this morning and i guess they are done. The only problem being we havent started to flush them. Any ideas? I used clearex a few weeks ago when we started having more nutrient problems, but shes be fed up until two days ago.
I posted some shots this morning and i guess they are done. The only problem being we havent started to flush them. Any ideas? I used clearex a few weeks ago when we started having more nutrient problems, but shes be fed up until two days ago.

i'd rather have mine a little over ripe then to have it tasty harsh.

i'd water with plain water. maybe 2 more heavy waterings. being careful not to over water.