Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

DSC03503.jpgDSC03505.jpgDSC03513.jpgDSC03508.jpgDSC03504.jpgDSC03511.jpgDSC03502.jpgDSC03507.jpgDSC03499.jpgHiya here are some pics of my big bang plant grown using scrog method seems to be taking ages used microscope and on average 70% are cloudy with a couple of ambers
help would be much appreciated

Also I have heard various different figures on when to harvest plants 50% cloudy , all cloudy and just turning cloudy what in you opinion is the best marker


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1180253View attachment 1180254View attachment 1180255View attachment 1180256View attachment 1180257View attachment 1180258View attachment 1180259View attachment 1180260View attachment 1180262Hiya here are some pics of my big bang plant grown using scrog method seems to be taking ages used microscope and on average 70% are cloudy with a couple of ambers
help would be much appreciated

Also I have heard various different figures on when to harvest plants 50% cloudy , all cloudy and just turning cloudy what in you opinion is the best marker

i'd give that about 2 more weeks.


2 to 3 more weeks.
Wow...that was super fast! Thank you so much. Have to get good picks of another runt to ask you about.

I want to thank you for the countless hours you spend helping all of us out with harvest time. Tiz our 1st time growing and we feel "dumb" even with all the reading we've done on here. Well not as dumb as we felt in May :) +rep


First four are the same and is beeing eaten by bugs, wondering how much longer she has before she gets chopped...last 4 are same plant no bugs just want to know how much longer..thanks
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