Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
"....wonders why people post on this thread when their plant has white, erect pistils and no trichome production...."

....if you have erect white hairs and virtually no trichome production, you should go read a book about cultivation or just google: when to harvest my plants.....this thread was orignally designed to help those who were at the end of flowering and needed an expert's advice on harvesting at the absolute best time, determined by fd22blk.


Active Member
fd22blk ditched this thread along time ago to all you new comers...."snafu" and ill tell anyone at anytime how long they got...betters my knowledge as well as everyone else on this thread~cheers~


Active Member
Here is what i chopped off .. looked almost done ... but ive been smoking some garbage mids ... I have smoke about 5 grams from her but wasnt nearly there yet and not more than a gram (once the other night) or less in a bow ... .3's ... .7's ... Gram in a blunt last night watching Incidious .Girlfriend was asleep half way thru.. Very potent .. 1 hit in bowl and im feeling a nice head high. And only once was it close to cured w/ almost no cllor taste ...

nug1.jpgPlateNug.jpg <--- Same Nug



And this one still on my plant seems to be next .. How much longer do you think ??
Started 12/12 on 3/03 .. 9wks ... 1 day Unknown Dank Bud (Bagseed)


Why don't you people buy a microscope and look at the glands when they are full and slightly discolored, i mean slightly they are done. If you want a couch lock smoke run them until the glands turn slightly red. I did that once just so I could run a batch of red bubble hash, it looked great.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you people buy a microscope and look at the glands when they are full and slightly discolored, i mean slightly they are done. If you want a couch lock smoke run them until the glands turn slightly red. I did that once just so I could run a batch of red bubble hash, it looked great.
im blind, do they do a brail microscope


Well-Known Member

Sorry dude I thought I got everyone.

I would give that 4-7 more days if I owned it. If I was running low on nugs, Id harvest now..

How do the trichs look? All other indications tell me 4-7days more...but condition of trichs would make it more definitive.
Go Sharks!!!![/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
Al Dente:

Looks awesome for bagseed bro. Id be gettin stoned right now if I were you. Chop Chop. You can throw em in dark for 2-3 days to pull out the last amount of resins, but theyre ready now imho. degradation will start in the next week if you dont chop.


Well-Known Member
THC HEad: Your live plant has a lot longer to go. It looks like its 3 weeks into flower, not 9. Answer to your question: A while.


Well-Known Member
Thnx Snafu... I have a few amber trichs and some cloudy... I'm gonna let it go another few days!!! Thnx again...
Go Sharks!!!


Active Member
Yea I beat her up pretty bad ... And im almost pisitive, light was gettin in through side long
rectangle fold vent . Taped it up so its dark now.. 2' x 4' tent measured 3' x 5' when I set it up.. I do have
a 50/100x mag and can see the trichs .. They are def not done clear and not huge yet.. Some nugs (just smoked 3 bowls) did have
Milky trichs halfway or a little more but still some just starting.. just
Not as many as there should be... Started in nov. and this is a clone left from 3 moms that died.
From some,good soury dank bagseed I payed,$350 a zip .. Found 4 seeds in 2oz
I had about 90% rate with my clones .. Just really dumb shit that did it after that