Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


IMG_0557.jpgIMG_0563.jpgIMG_0558.jpgHeyy again fdd2blk was just wondering how much longer you think my plants would have left? I cant upload any new pictures cuz my bro took back his camera with him. When i woke up this morning the whole plant was bent over cuz of the weight and i dont have any support poles (i was using the leaves to support it against the wall before it got too heavy :S). I wanted to harvest the bud when the high is more mental then body but im not sure if waiting the extra 2 weeks would make a big difference or not with swelling buds or changing trichomes from milky to amber ? Those pictures above are the old ones i showed u but now the white hairs are gettin much more darker and the buds are swelling. Just this morning i keep smelling a sweeeet tangy almost mango kind of dank to it :O :D.
Thanks in advance,


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1051235View attachment 1051234View attachment 1051233Heyy again fdd2blk was just wondering how much longer you think my plants would have left? I cant upload any new pictures cuz my bro took back his camera with him. When i woke up this morning the whole plant was bent over cuz of the weight and i dont have any support poles (i was using the leaves to support it against the wall before it got too heavy :S). I wanted to harvest the bud when the high is more mental then body but im not sure if waiting the extra 2 weeks would make a big difference or not with swelling buds or changing trichomes from milky to amber ? Those pictures above are the old ones i showed u but now the white hairs are gettin much more darker and the buds are swelling. Just this morning i keep smelling a sweeeet tangy almost mango kind of dank to it :O :D.
Thanks in advance,

i would need to see current pics to make any kind of guess.


Bagseed Plant 2 months & 4 days old, been flowering for 20 days. Just wondering when she will start to fatten up. Let me know if you see anything else I should know about. Thanks.



IMG00286.jpgIMG00279.jpgIMG00295.jpgHALLJO okayyy so these are the new pictures i took but they're from a shittyyy camera so i couldnt use macro or anything to make the image nice:(. Hope you can still let me know though:), the other pictures are of my other plant i think it has maybe a week or two longer than the bigger one. (first 2 are the first plant, last image


Well-Known Member


Thanks fdd2blk :), but btw the red hairs and crystals are much more apparant than through the camera cuz its just a blackberry camera.. my charger for my battery is missing but anyway i was trying to yield for the most sativa mental high if i could so should i cut it down when there are still some white hairs because i read its better when the trichomes are milky than amber so idk if some pistils are still white it should be mentally trippy:)?! idk lmao im really blem gonna have a naice time at the farm. alright jpeace thanks a lot :D:)


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hey im a newb to rollitup and a decent grower but i have this damn sharksbreath plant that has been on 12/12 since 6/3 and have a WWxBB that was started 4 days earlier right next to her and the WWxBB is coverered in semi ripe nuggets and the sharksbreath has pistills and thats about it.some interupted dark cycles due to CAB inprovements but all the other girls ive ever had have pretty much sustained the same kinda shit(ive always gotta improve).so is my sharksbreath just a shit plant or did it temp. revert back to veg or "light leaks"(which i strongly disagreee with even the idea of glimmers of light being a problem)i will try to get pics up soon gotta find camara cord.i have girls on deck in veg box and flower space is very prcious so should i continue on with the shit sharksbreath or cut my losses?????????????????anyone???....1st official post...


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Hey fdd! I would like to get a kick ass energy high out of this plant, I am moving soon and will need the extra boost. Trichs are just starting to change to amber, I would say about 10-20 percent. Do you think I can cut it now, or not? Thanks in advance!:weed:

i'd go at least another week.


Well-Known Member
Hey fdd I've been flowering this plant for 16 weeks and it won't stop bidding and none of the trichs have turned amber is this normAl for alot of sativa strains?