Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Hey fdd just checking in again. I was thinking it should be ready by the 30th or by the 5th at latest. What you think?
0919100801.jpg0919100800.jpg0921100835.jpg0921100839a.jpgView attachment 11711310921100839.jpgHey fdd just checking in again. I was thinking it should be ready by the 30th or by the 5th at latest. What you think?




Active Member
i really was thanking you, not being sarcastic. i know its only a guess i wanted to see how close my guess was. I apreciate the quick input?


Well-Known Member
Hey fdd just checking in again. I was thinking it should be ready by the 30th or by the 5th at latest. What you think?
View attachment 1171136View attachment 1171123View attachment 1171126View attachment 1171127View attachment 1171131View attachment 1171132Hey fdd just checking in again. I was thinking it should be ready by the 30th or by the 5th at latest. What you think?

View attachment 1171133

some of those look done. some look like they have another week or so. some look like they have several weeks.


Well-Known Member
Hey fdd2blk, hope you're well
I realized it may be difficult to guess the right ETD for the plants when taking pictures using the sun as light so I'm posting some pictures of my Big Blue female I took last night as the sun was setting using flash to get a better idea of what stage the plants are in. You mentioned 3-4 weeks, perhaps closer to 4 for the pictures of the same Big Blue plant without flash so let me know if these flash pictures change your guesstimate at all
Thank you so much for this thread, I understand it must take a lot of your time


Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Hey again FDD, just wanted to see what you thought again. I was thinking about cutting anywhere from the 30th to the 5th? Not sure.

Also what about the other plant i posted in pics 4 and 6?

Edit: Also ive cut off some nugs within the last few days that had some caterpillar problems so is that just gonna slow down growth a shit load..?


Hey FDD...another noob here with a first grow. Let's see if I learned anything. I think the first plant can be taken in another 2 weeks. The second 3-4 weeks. How'ed I do?

First plant


Second plant
Checkin in again whaddya think? Oh and this is a medicinal crop so i want to harvest when the thc levels are highest not when its heaviest.
DSCN4183.jpgDSCN4176.jpgDSCN4167.jpgDSCN4169.jpg and this last one is from the same as i showed you last timeDSCN4172.jpg


Well-Known Member
what do you lot think? all comments welcome!. here are some pics of my current grow (see my other posts) hopefully almost finished

3 girls in one box = Width 500mm x Depth 400mm x Hieght 900mm with 342 watts cfl power. one x 250 watt grow light up top and four 23 watt 2700K energy bulbs (one at pot level) using peat based soil in small 5" pots (don't shout at me i know) watered every other day three times a day with canna terra and additives! cannazyme, tonic, boost and pk 13/14 two weeks ago! flush time? or wait?

thank you cannabutt:joint:



Active Member
Awesome thread! Anyone know if Joint Doctor Easy Ryder, will turn amber? Is it best to pick it when? Its worthy of pics but triing to holdout. But yes , shes there. Thanks.