Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member

my girls have been on 12/12 for 8 weeks 2 days i had a salt build up a few weeks ago
and my hairs tuned red all of them i got some new white hairs on the bottom but not much
hoping you could tell me my chop day !!!!
those look done.


Well-Known Member
These are my Auto-flower Blue Mystics, they are 7 weeks from seed. Room temps have never exceeded 85 and PH has always been between 5.4 - 6.2, 250w hortilux HPS from the beginning, they are in 70oz folger hempy buckets. I have them on the lucas method, with ppm's around 800ppm(.5x). Obviously my main questions is, when do you think they should be done, alternatively, I have a lot of unexploded swollen calyx's with 2 hairs coming out of each calyx, they have been swollen and unexploded for several weeks. What you think? Thanks for all the help and contribution you have given to the site!
hard to tell with that lighting.
She's about 6.5 weeks into 12/12 after a month of veg. She's surrounded by 6 43w CFLs. I had to tie her down because she was getting too tall for my 4' box. Grown in soil, using fox farm 3. It's my first time, and the seeds came from some very un-impressive mids so I'm happy to see how she's coming along. I'm watered today and I'm thinking that I'll feed in a few days when I water her next, then start the 2 week flush. What do you think? Is my timing about right?

Here's her main cola. You can see where the leaves have gotten into the lights once or twice. There are less brown/orange pistils here then the rest of the plant for some reason.
View attachment 1295009

Here's a few of the nugs further down her fat stem. There's about 14-16 buds that look like these.
View attachment 1295010View attachment 1295011View attachment 1295012

Here are some likes to hi res shots:


Please let me know what you think. I've only gotten this far because of the knowledge on this board!

big bee

hope u can help, this is my white dwarf, its autoflowering and has reached the 60 day mark but the buds are not as filled out as i would have liked. will they get any bigger or should i harvest now incase potency drops?

thanks in advance man :peace:


Active Member
hope u can help, this is my white dwarf, its autoflowering and has reached the 60 day mark but the buds are not as filled out as i would have liked. will they get any bigger or should i harvest now incase potency drops?

thanks in advance man :peace:
You could probably let her go another 5 to 7 days, the majority of those trichs still look cloudy.


Well-Known Member
She's about 6.5 weeks into 12/12 after a month of veg. She's surrounded by 6 43w CFLs. I had to tie her down because she was getting too tall for my 4' box. Grown in soil, using fox farm 3. It's my first time, and the seeds came from some very un-impressive mids so I'm happy to see how she's coming along. I'm watered today and I'm thinking that I'll feed in a few days when I water her next, then start the 2 week flush. What do you think? Is my timing about right?

Here's her main cola. You can see where the leaves have gotten into the lights once or twice. There are less brown/orange pistils here then the rest of the plant for some reason.
View attachment 1295009

Here's a few of the nugs further down her fat stem. There's about 14-16 buds that look like these.
View attachment 1295010View attachment 1295011View attachment 1295012

Here are some likes to hi res shots:


Please let me know what you think. I've only gotten this far because of the knowledge on this board!

3 to 4 more weeks to go.


Well-Known Member
hope u can help, this is my white dwarf, its autoflowering and has reached the 60 day mark but the buds are not as filled out as i would have liked. will they get any bigger or should i harvest now incase potency drops?

thanks in advance man :peace:
that could go another week to 10 days. ;)
i would love to see some pics. :)
Cool, thanks! The first three pix are from a week or two ago, and the last two are from last night. I don't know how apparent it is, but the buds just look "shrunken" compared to how they used to; it's like the calyxes are de-swelling or something. We flushed a few weeks ago, so I doubt it's a salt build-up, and I've been giving her light nutes since then (started final-flushing her a few days ago).

Idk, maybe I'm just over-reacting. :<



Active Member
hi fdd, it's been a long time since i popped in here to ask you....i am back with that same thai i have been running, here is a pic of it, not going to say the age but i'm real curious what you think:

oh, here's a petrolia headstash too, pic isn't the best sorry...poor thing needs more nutes too, i know better for next time:

as always it is very much appreciated, thanks again!


Also, if those pictures and not good enough to gather an opinion, I will definately go take some more and try to filter out the hps light and get closer up. Let me know. Thanks again!
hope this is better if not i need to buy a better camera

thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Active Member
hard to tell with that lighting.
Hopefully this is better, beyond this, I'll have to pull the manual out on this camera. I was also hoping that in addition to a due date, you might be able to explain why I have so many unexploded lower calyx's? Thanks again for taking time to answer these questions!



Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks! The first three pix are from a week or two ago, and the last two are from last night. I don't know how apparent it is, but the buds just look "shrunken" compared to how they used to; it's like the calyxes are de-swelling or something. We flushed a few weeks ago, so I doubt it's a salt build-up, and I've been giving her light nutes since then (started final-flushing her a few days ago).

Idk, maybe I'm just over-reacting. :<

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that just looks really good. it pretty much looks done in the last 2 pics. the calyxes may be hardening up and shrinking as they fade out.