Want to start first indoor grow. opinions! please help!


Active Member
Hi How’s it going?

im pretty new to this forum and have decided im going to start my first ever grow.

im going to grow 2 plants and do it in a cupboard which is 17inch wide, 24inch deep, 28.5 inch deep

Im gona tell you all the shit im thinking of getting and if you think i need anything else or to change anything let me know as i wont a really good grow.

Cub board:
im going to line all the walls of the cub board with Mylar and black paper.

im going to use CFL's lights as there lots cheaper and pretty easy to set up and change when needed, im looking at using 2x 45watt daylight 6400k and 2x 25watt warm white 2700k, these are for both plants for the veg stage when i want to flower i will change the daylight lights to 2 45watt warm white lights if i can find them
i will set these up to a timer

im going to use a piece of possibly plastic that i am going to cut 2 holes large enough for the bottom of the pot to sit over this will allow the water to drip back in to my reservoir that is a 10 liter oblong container. Im going to have a 320l fish pump that will pump the water from the reservoir threw to 2 garden sprinklers that will go over each plant.
this will be set to s timer


I have a extractor fan that i have packed full of supa clean towels to filter smell and will clean regally this extracts out side. a small but good fan that can heat as well as just blow.


im a bit stuck on the soil im looking at using some break down germination potts for germination and then 2x 25cm diameter pots for growing after germination. i need to know what type of soil is best for germinating in the decomposing pots, what soil is best after transplanting, what fertilizers is best to use for the grow.

ok now for my questions;

1. do i need to line cub board with black papar under the Mylar to help insulation.
2. what should i set timer at for the lights when starting out.
3. how long to set timer for water and how often i know it needs to be dryish before watering but would it be possible to set it to a timer.
4.what type of soil is best for germinating
5. what soil is best after transplanting
6.what fertilizers/ additives is best to use for the grow.
7. how can i increase chances of a female during a grow.

thanks so much sorry its so long im just real keen

well done if you read it all.


Well-Known Member
1. I have never heard of putting black paper under mylar, i personally have white walls so i dont use mylar.
2. 18 hours of light, 6 hours of darkness, then when there above 14' you can switch to 12/12
3.i dont use a timer for water, i hand water my plants, i water them once the soil is dry, i always stick my finger into the soil, if its dry i water, if not, leave it a day.
4.i suggest you stick to the same type of soil all throughout your grow, just add nutes to suplement the plants needs, apparently fox farm is good, but i use my own mixture :)
5.like i said, stick to the same soil, just use different nutes.
7.i suggest buying feminized seeds (thats what i do)


Active Member
thanks alot man what about my lights will what i have listed will that be enough to grow to healthy plants?

also i have no were to get seeds, no one i know grows and the only way ill get any is out of a bag hopefuly. what about those seed banks? im from new zealand and its illigal to grow pott so what would be the deal with getting seeds sent over?

I use the fox farm system. I believe its awesome. on my 4th harvest in 8 months, averaging 14 plants each. about 8 different strains. I use it the ocean forest soil whole time. starting out light should be anywhere from 18 to 24 hours on a day. I use soil so dont know about ur water timer. sorry. and the only thing ive heard about increasing female is nitrogen and phosphorus in germination. I got 17 out of 20 females my 1st time. lucky I think. lol. the black paper wont help alot. jus try to ventilate.0827001554a.jpg thats my wallet. Big Budda Cheese. pulled about 7.5oz of this 1.
man if you have 100$, buy yourself a HPS kit and you'll never want to go back. Like i said in another post, its gonna pay out really quickly.