if you meet GOOD people
that you can truly say is your brother
and they have the right kind of shit...
you will be getting hooked up sir.
lets just say it takes time and effort.
if this makes you feel better....
I TRIED LSD numerous of times before I even truly felt Lucy's true effects. or effects rather....straight up.
I took all sorts of shit.... Sugar Cubes, sweet tarts, and all sorts of that shit.
I took even 3 or 4 doses at once and felt nothing! (keep in mind I never knew what LSD felt like)
psshh!!! fucking waist of 35 bucks!
it wasn't until I met people... that became my friend .... then eventually became my brother.
we gain a relationship.
we smoke mass amounts of pot together and go out hiking through parks and the woods.
just get lost and enjoy each others company.
and having the responsibility to watch over your friends back.
and knowing someone is there that you can trust... you grow a friendship.
but it isn't until you trip with a true friend is when you both realize that you are really brothers.
you realize you share an inner psych. you learn more about yourself and the other person.
your friendship grows even more.
you will learn more about this and understand what I speak of if you chose to walk down the path I have chosen.
I highly recommend that path
but back to the L.
over time.... you may have found a few random connects to hook you up to trip LSD maybe 3-4 times in a year.
but thing is... you ARNT going to be the one with the connections at this time...
this time is precious if you want a good, steady connect for L.
however, DONT be a bug about it.
there is nothing wrong with asking questions BUT ask the question once. and if it gets turned down...
better luck next time.
nature didn't intend...
but if you get another opportunity .... fuckin' go for it!
trust me...
if you meet the right people and have a good, positive mind set about it.
you'll find some