Want to try coke.


Well-Known Member
Im an "old" man, Im an 80's child. Ahh yeah, the good old 80's when Coke was EVERYWHERE and pretty good quality.

As an "old" man, i can tell ya from firsthand experience to be careful. Its very easy to get chewed up before you know it with that shit. I probably put a Ferrari up my beak during the 80's.....I have touched that shit in over a decade.
I'm older, I put more than one ferrari up mine and when I finally quit I dreamed of the stuff for years afterward. I quit for 20 years and then picked it up for a bit (my wife was interested). Now I don't know the reality of it, it might have been wisdom or age but it was a hell of a lot easier to put the stuff down the second time than the first - could it be that the more recent blow was a pale comparison to the earlier stuff?