Wanted to try a grow, so here we go... C99

Kite High

Well-Known Member
I use the top above second node exclusively for years with outstanding results. Always at least 2 mains sometimes 3 and most of the time 4. Genetics play a role in it as well.


Well-Known Member
I got it now puffdat. I was misunderstanding UB bigtime. Let the plant get some strength, and then cut above the 2nd or 3rd blade set. I think that would give me a heart attack. Have you ever topped that much and what were the results. If all 4 of these do well, maybe I could try one above node 2 but it would be difficult. Why don't you do this if I may ask, bad results? Thanks again for all your help; rep to you.

Hey ,yeah i guess UB says wait until it's at 5 or 6 nodes.. is for a few reasons.. it's to get the plants roots strength up and i would also say it's easier to cut it when it's bigger than trying to cut it while it's still tiny..

Me personally ,i have not tried it ,but i might .. i guess when i first started topping i didn't know about UB and i just knew how to top ,not where to top.. so i just picked 5 and it has always worked out good... after learning about UB ,i guess 4 colas sounds good , but it seems like a mighty setback going from 5 nodes back down to 2 .. thats like a week or 2's growth..

your seedlings look very healthy btw ..

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Hey ,yeah i guess UB says wait until it's at 5 or 6 nodes.. is for a few reasons.. it's to get the plants roots strength up and i would also say it's easier to cut it when it's bigger than trying to cut it while it's still tiny..

Me personally ,i have not tried it ,but i might .. i guess when i first started topping i didn't know about UB and i just knew how to top ,not where to top.. so i just picked 5 and it has always worked out good... after learning about UB ,i guess 4 colas sounds good , but it seems like a mighty setback going from 5 nodes back down to 2 .. thats like a week or 2's growth..

your seedlings look very healthy btw ..
well...lol...I don't wait...soon as theres enough showing to make a clean accurate cut I do it...works fine for me and no time wasted growing a top for nothing ..I do not clone as I grow one strain per chamber at a time and do it from seed and this provides a bit of variety and outstanding hard LARGE plants as I find older plants ie long veg, superior to young...I do 12/12 seed strain test runs with a 400 watt cmh in a closet and while extremely good the ones that pass the 12/12 test runs go to be grown out 4 at a time in the chamber and they are always quite a bit more potent...I find this helps one know the strain and ALL my plants are keepers:weed:
Am harvesting the Claustrums this week and will be doing 4 Female Seeds c99 in the chamber...will also be selfing a Jim Ortega original Deathweed in the closet and will also apply some Deathweed Fem pollen to selected c99 buds in the chamber...methinks I will call it Killer Cindy 13...lol...should be kicked off very beginning of March


Well-Known Member
If you aren't going to use the clone then, I agree you don't need to wait till its to big. Make sure you've got good roots and top away.-

Kite High

Well-Known Member
my plants always seem to grow roots really well... which can be judged quite accurately by what is above the ground


Well-Known Member
I gotta check my clones tomorrow, only ones that were showing roots yesterday were the male sativas. Is it crazy that I'm actually hoping one of my WW I cracked from seeds will be a boy. I love the WW and I'd love to get a chance to cross it with my existing WW, as well and my Cindy and maybe my strawberry too. I doubt it will happen since they were selfed seeds I randomly found over the years, I think that means they should automatically be female.


Active Member
Thanks guys, it looks like a top above the second node is the clear favorite. I am getting the grow area finished and will be putting these under my 400w MH soon. I want to make sure that the roots fill up the cups nicely before I pot them up, and I think that more light will help that. Thanks for the suggestion TC, I agree that they need more light than they are getting. I think that I want to pot them up into my 12" pots, wait a few days for any transplant shock to settle, and then top. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
interesting and useful adice as always kite..

greatdane that sounds about right..i never reallyh understood that though..do plants really get transplant shock? Mine don't seem to ever get it ,in fact they always love it..but yeah give it a few days anyway


Active Member
OK, today is day 9 from all being germinated and above ground, ( day 13 from when I dropped the seeds into the hole). My grow area is finished and I have moved them into it. I am playing with the light height above the plants and am holding 77 degrees with the bottom of the hood around 11 inches above the tallest leaf set and the oscillating fan going. I gave them a good soaking with rain water yesterday and will see how quickly they dry out under the 400w MH. I plan to pot them up this weekend which will be either day 11 or 12. I will be using FFOF which I have never used but was available locally and I've heard good things. I understand that additional nutes are a no no within the first month or so. I will be able to check the water ph with a bluelab pen and will keep the water going in around 6.5 I have a question about epsom salts for magnesium with watering; I've heard/read 1 tbsp per gallon and add to every watering. Thoughts on this? I hope that the additional light and better environment will get these girls going. :weed:7.jpg


Active Member
Thanks Puff, I am going by experience of potting up in general. Different things that I have taken out of seedling pots and transplanted sometimes look droopy for a day or two and then perk up. I assumed that these would do the same thing. This is only my second attempt and so I am going on general horticulture knowledge and a lot of reading here. Heading on over to your thread to see whats happening. Hope all is well.


Well-Known Member
yeah all is good man ,i think you know what you are doing ,your seedlings are off to a great start.Can't wait to see them grow up..


Well-Known Member
I like the way the room looks man, and the girls seem happy. I bet you'll notice a difference in growth pretty quick.


Active Member
Thanks TC. A couple of them are getting a little yellow, the other two are nice and green. I believe that they are begging to get out of that starter mix and into some soil. Potting up tomorrow; then they should really take off.


Well-Known Member
Thanks TC. A couple of them are getting a little yellow, the other two are nice and green. I believe that they are begging to get out of that starter mix and into some soil. Potting up tomorrow; then they should really take off.
Yes sir.. If you look at the beginning of mine I had one start to yellow on me pretty early. Once I transplanted to Roots Organic she greened up. I've had no sign of burn feeding full dosage with the Go Box but its organic so hard to burn. Apparently c99s love the N. I could have probably stepped up the base grow nute but I was scared lol.


Well-Known Member
yes i had similar if you read the start of my journal ,she looked yellow and weak ..i was disgusted with her for the first week or 2 .. then i transplanted and she took off.. yes she loves N definitely ,watch out ,especially after a week of stretch for lighter/paler leaves ..that will be her politely asking for more N .. and she loves iron to so keep your ph below 6.5


Active Member
Day 11 today and I potted them up. Four 12" pots using FFOF with some added perlite. I watered each with a liter of water and it didn't seem like enough so I added another 1/3. I also added 1 tsp of epsom salts to the first gallon for some mag. Three plants had some good roots, 2 were at the bottom of the 16 oz drink cup. One, pic 15.jpg had no roots showing at all. As you can see, it's yellow and hurting for some food. I believe that she will go searching for water and get into the good soil rather quickly. I'm using FFOF for the first time and have been told that I need to be careful adding nutes for the first month or so or I can burn them easily. I have the GH Flora series (Micro, Gro, and Bloom). I may start adding some weak Micro to the water in about a week to get some micro nutrients in the soil. If the FFOF doesn't seem to be enough, I'll start adding a weak combo every other water. Temps at the top are holding 73 degrees so I may lower the hood just a bit. Right now it's about 13 inches above the tops. This time next week I hope to see some real progress and maybe a topping. :smile:13.jpg14.jpg15.jpg16.jpg17.jpg18.jpg