Wanted to try a grow, so here we go... C99

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Thanks Kite, I knew that you would have the answer. I knew not to use hydrated lime, but the dolomite lime that I was able to get here is called agricultural lime (dolomite lime) and is not a fine powder, but granulated. It's not as big as the stuff in bags for lawns and I put some in water to test and it dissolved pretty quickly. Did you see my question above ( post #95 )? I'm thinking that maybe for the first 2-3 weeks of flower, I would instead use the Gro and Micro. That would give me an N-P-K of ( 7-1-7 ). Very little P to control stretch as you say and then I would change to the Bloom and Micro which would be ( 5-5-5 ). Sounds like a plan to me but I would like your thoughts. Thanks for helping.


Active Member
Just using the micro and bloom with GH is basically the lucas formula. I know the ml for hydro, but I don't for dirt. That's what I've been running for about a year or so now. I have added some calmag in the past to boost that a bit but thats about it.
I have seen posts talking about the lucas formula, and assumed that was what it was. I am going to use Gro and Micro for the stretch to control it and then go with Bloom and Micro to the end. You guys have been a great resource of info and I appreciate it.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
They are coming right along GD.. I had a Critical + that I topped similar to yours. it turned out great.. infact one of the buds is my avatar.


Active Member
Hey Pitt, I wasn't in a position to raise clones and keep a perpetual grow going as much as I would have liked to. Maybe next time.


Active Member
Well, I think that I'm gonna flip tomorrow. Three are between 11" and 12" tall and the one is still small, only about 8" or so. I watered today with some dissolved lime and epsom salts and will start the feed with Floragro and Floramicro in probably 3 days. The biggest today got 76 oz of water and had barely any runoff. The smallest had runoff after 32 oz. I don't think that it put out roots like the other three. It's green but the leaves grow in kinda twisted and it doesn't look as good as the other three; although they are all getting the same treatment. I've attached pics of the four girls and a couple of the one that's staying small; she's the one in the right front. I put more magazines under the pot to even out the tops again. I'm leaning towards a Potassium deficiency but I'm at a loss.

I will be changing to my Eye Hortilux 430W HPS bulb and hopefully in about 7 1/2 weeks will be very, very happy. :weed:

The 4 girls


The small one (right front)


Another shot of small one ( right front above )



Active Member
Puff, your lady is looking fantastic! I can't imagine how difficult it will be waiting for it to cure after you chop.

I was inspired by all of these great c99 grows and dropped a FS c99 into rock wool a couple of days ago. I'm going grow it as a mother plant and take clones for the next grow. Cheers!

Edit: crap, got the wrong grow journal. All of these c99 grows are confusing! :) GreatDane, these are looking awesome. The 4 main cola snip appears to do well!


Well-Known Member
yah that went by like nothing... but now that I think about it your plants are only a few days or so older than mine :) very nice... Im curious about how the flower will turn out for you as I have a 430W HPS and hood sitting idle right next to my plants as well...


Well-Known Member
to make my medical marijuana capsules:
1 cup of grapeseed oil
10 grams of nice budz
a double boiler
put water in bottom of double boiler
in top pot, put in very finely ground budz and the grapeseed oil
get water boiling then turn down to medium
cook for 2-4 hours, checking the temperature of the mixture does not exceed 250.
use a cheesecloth or flour sifter to press the bud out of the oil. use a medicine dropper or turkey baster to put the oil in empty gel caps. use the cooked bud to make brownies or put it an caps too. the oil ones are great, and the ones with the ground herb in it are also a source of fibre. i make these for several medical patients. enjoy responsibly
when you get that plant ready here is a recipe for you those plants make my mouth water