*WANTED* UVB Growers with experience


Well-Known Member
How about mercury vapor? The one grow I did with it....i got the most potent plants I had ever grown, not to mention that the buds were far thicker than they had been the in the past. All with just a 175w mercury bulb added during flowering (alongside a 430w HPS Son Agro).
I would like to see more information on this. I'm not calling you a liar, but Mercury Vapor lights are relatively cheap and if this is for real...:hump:


Are all Mercury Vapor lights made from Quartz instead of silicate glass ?
And what is the safety level of mercury vapor?
Are there manufacturer's of large high wattage reptile lights?
Are reptile lights themselves filled with Mercury Vapor ?

How about tanning bed lights?
These are quartz ?
Tanning bed lights are mercury vapor or another technology?

I will research this also, but if anyone has answers it may save time for others.
Also interested if UVA or UVB affect the production of Delta-8, as well as our favorite Delta-9.....

Peace and blessings everyone.