Wanting Knowledge On Kush


Well-Known Member
I seem to be having a hard time finding answers to a few specific question on kush and haze.
I've come to understand that they are more difficult to grow.
What differentiates them from the other varieties?
What methods are best used to grow them?
All of my gardening has been outside in the past (w/ bagseed), but I'm now beginning a small bubble system indoors in hopes I can increase the quality of my personnal bud. I've recently got clear of the bagseeds, and started some better medical bud outdoors, this year.
Okay guys, slap me around a little bit if you must, but give me the low-down as you're doing it!:?:
difference between Kush and Haze is that one is sativa dominant, the other indica dominat. (usually)

otherwise you grow them just as you grow any other beans. simple
The OG Kush crosses are sativa dominant as they really contain no kush. Real Kush is from India and Pakistan and is Indica. The reason the OG Kush strains are difficult to grow is that some tend to hermie because the parents carry that trait.

Hazes are difficult to grow because they take so long, so you have a better chance of screwing it up. They also tend to grow tall.
The OG Kush crosses are sativa dominant as they really contain no kush. Real Kush is from India and Pakistan and is Indica. The reason the OG Kush strains are difficult to grow is that some tend to hermie because the parents carry that trait.

Hazes are difficult to grow because they take so long, so you have a better chance of screwing it up. They also tend to grow tall.

OG Kush sativa? i did not know this. Haze grows tall cause they sativa dominant. that goes for all sativas
tell em!
Okay, that makes sense. The origanal Kush being from the middle east, would it be indica, or afghanica? Though often confused with indica, there is a huge difference.
I have 1 plant from a bagseed that was allegedly of haze origin. It's most definitely a pretty sativa, and she's gonna be a beast. I sexed a clone to make sure of the gender, first.