Wappa & Blue Mystic 652W Medi Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey man, thanks for stopping by. Temps are around 90F with lights on, 78F lights off. Unfortunatly I havent had your luck with seedlings in OF, my Blue Mystic is still nute burned. The Wappa is getting sexier by the day though. I think next grow I'll mix OF with Light Warrior, that should be ideal.

Let me see if I can snap some pics of the ladies...

Wappa Day 20:
W Day20.jpg

Blue Mystic Day20: (Nute burned but healing)
BM Day20.jpg


Well-Known Member
thats fucking awesome bro..i need a camera that takes pics like that....do u recommend a good hi-res (macro is it?) camera for under 150$?
It's just an old point n shoot Nikon with the close-up feature turned on ;) I'm getting into Photography so Im trying to learn what to do before spending bank on a new DSLR. Wife's not too happy Im spending more money but fuck it :D


How tall are those babies? They have a ton of foliage already for how tall they are!! Props bro. Looks like they're gonna be super bushy.


Well-Known Member
How tall are those babies? They have a ton of foliage already for how tall they are!! Props bro. Looks like they're gonna be super bushy.
Hey man! The Wappa is just under 3 inches tall and the Blue Mystic is right about 3-1/2 inches. Yes they are still very short for how many days they've been alive haha. They've been through 3 transplants and 90F heat, so that's why they're probably short. Still, they are growing very well, just slower than normal. Thanks for stoppin' by...


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! Testicleese: Yeah I spent more money than planned, but I had a ton of fun designing and building the room. I'm working on a DIY drip system now guys, I'll update later...


Well-Known Member

Both plants have shown vigorous growth over the last few days. They are being watered every 3 days with 72oz each. No nutes yet. The Blue Mystic is almost fully recovered from here nute burn, and stands at 4 inches tall with 6 almost 7 nodes. The Wappa has been most impressive; the pictures will speak for me. This evening I topped the Wappa at the second true node to let 4 colas grow. Temps are still about 89F lights on, 75F lights off. The HPS light is 14 inches from the canopy, throwing down 10000 lumens/sqft.

Wappa Day 24 Before Top:
W Day24.1.jpg

Wappa Day 24 After Top: 4 Cola's clearly visable
W Day24.jpg

Blue Mystic Day 24:
BM Day24.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! Have an update for you guys...

Been messing around with my exhaust setup and found a setup that lowers my lights on temp by 2F, so now the max temp in the grow room is 88-89F. Lights off is still about 75F. I began feeding a small amount of 20-20-20 ferts to Wappa yesterday. Still watering both plants with 72oz each, so I mixed in 1/8tsp of the veg ferts for wappa. Blue mystic still has a little burn so Ill leave her alone until she uses up all the nutes in the soil and returns to normal. Both have shown good horizontal growth over the last 3 days. I'm still not sure on a date to switch to flower yet. I would really like the plants to get to 10 inches at least, as I have 7' of height to work with. Right now BM is 4-1/2 inches tall and W is 3-1/2 inches tall.

Wappa Day 27:
W Day27.jpg

Blue Mystic Day 27:
BM Day27.jpg


Well-Known Member
Good question man; probably mid August when I get back from vacation. We're going to visit my wifes parents (yay). I dont want to flip the switch while Im gone because Ill be away 9 days. Ive been rigging up a DIY drip system that i need to have done before then so the plants can get good watering.

All depends really on how much growing they do in the next two weeks before I leave. Height is not a restriction but I can see width becoming a problem. We'll see; I'll keep you guys updated.


Well-Known Member

Today marks 1 month since the the seeds were buried in soil. These ladies have been through quite a bit with me, and it's been a blast. Just wanted to go over some things from the past few days followed by pics.

Temp lights on: 88F
Temp lights off: 77F

Ferts: Wappa is getting 1/8tsp of 20-20-20 per 48oz water. Getting VERY minor nute burn so next watering she will get 1/16 (almost nothing). BM is still not getting fed any ferts because the nutes in the FFOF seem to be keeping her well nourished. She still has burn marks from being a seedling.

Height: W is 5-1/2inches tall. BM is 6inches tall.

Smell: Wappa REEKS! Well, not as much as a skunk or haze, but she smells! Definitely not a low odour plant. The smell is amazing though. Very sweet, tropical scent. I LOVE walking into my closet. All my clothes are starting to smell so sweet. If I rub my fingers on a leaf they will smell for hours. The Blue Mystic is exactly the opposite. NO SMELL from her yet. ZERO. I shoved my nose into her cleavage and nothing. Rubbed my fingers on her leaves; nothing. She smells like any other plant. Amazing. She also has no trichs while the Wappa is covered in trichs.

They are needing 72oz water every 3 days. Im still unsure of when I want to flower these girls. I can veg them for another month without having height issues but its width issues Im worried about. I leave for vacation soon and wont be back until Aug 17th. So I think I will veg for 2-1/2 more weeks but these girls are getting so much bigger every day. FUCK. If I flower now I wont utilize the space Ive given them, and could get a smaller harvest. What do you guys think I should do? I leave for vacation in 8 days. If I flower now the plants will get very big while im on vacation and they might reach the light if i dont hang it high enough...

Anyway, enough rambling...

Wappa Day 30:
W Day30.jpg

Blue Mystic Day 30:
BM Day30.jpg

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
they really starting to bush out.. bad timing to go on vacation...alot or anything can happen in 8 days.. i say the day u leave u give it a good heavy watering ..and hopefully that could buy you a good 5-8 days .. but with your high temps that could dry up your soil quick


Well-Known Member
Oh forgot to mention Im almost done building my DIY drip system, so the plants will be fine on water. Its the growth im worried about :D

Just wanted to add, poured about 2 tablespoons of ONA gel into a cup of water and there is ZERO odor in my closet now. Love that stuff.


Well-Known Member
13 inches from canopy. Yeah I was planning on raising the light, just not sure how much. Right now the plant is growing an inch every 4 days maybe, so when I leave I'll probably raise it 6 inches to be safe (if I stay in veg) If I flower I can expect over an inch a day probably... thanks for the help man.