War on Football?


Well-Known Member
Concussions. Bad news. Could lead to big changes in the game

Kids shouldn't be tackled, adults have real brain trauma

Is this the end of American football?


Well-Known Member
Only after they end soldering. or Drag racing, skiing, motorcycles,....and much more,...then, What will they do about the ensuing Civil War ?


Well-Known Member
Will Smith's new movie is going to cause some change I think.

There's no denying these guys are getting big time brain damage.

I guess I'm wondering how they could continue without changes / sensors / etc

I realize the billionaires will bitch


Well-Known Member
You know. This is a real issue. Include boxing, MMA....... And what ^^they said^^. People gonna do dangerous shit and shot that just ain't good for them. I have abused my body my whole life not only with alcohol and smoking, but other stuff as well.


Well-Known Member
Will Smith's new movie is going to cause some change I think.

There's no denying these guys are getting big time brain damage.

I guess I'm wondering how they could continue without changes / sensors / etc

I realize the billionaires will bitch
Was listening to an interview recently on NPR about this stuff. Someone I think said that concussions was sort of a distraction, that it's actually all the other hits that football players sustain which lead to long term injury/brain damage.

Also what's interesting is in Rugby if a player is suspected of sustaining a concussion they get taken off of the field and have to go through a medical evaluation, if they fail a portion they have to go back to the first part, and if they fail again they're not allowed to return to the field. (I think, I'm pretty sure someone more familiar with rugby can correct me.)

There has been talk of adding in G sensors into helmets and stuff like that.


Well-Known Member
It's bizarrely profitable so you can afford to pay the pro ballets millions - so if they have a medical problem later I guess who gives a shit

But what about middle school and high school, or even college?


Well-Known Member
One more thing here. What about my ankles and knees that are messed up from playing street ball and running cross country? Not to mention marching in the military and all that stuff I did while in there? And how about the bad shoulders and quirky spine from lifting, toting, bending, throwing, prying, pulling and pushing and all that other physical stuff I did over two decades in manufacturing? And what about my feet that are ruint from decades of standing on concrete floors? I'm sure I am missing some things here.

But, you know what! I played street ball and ran cross country cause I enjoyed it. Not because I had to. Oh and I enjoyed manufacturing as well. It was mans work. You used muscle and had callouses on your hands. You went home tired sometimes after long shifts and there was a sense of pride and satisfaction in that. And of course I got paid.

And what about the guys who have REALLY dangerous jobs? Like, soldiers and cops, oil field workers, manufacturing jobs can rip an arm off in a minute or crush a human body. Firefighters? EMT? Linesmen? I mean fill in the blanks here. There are millions of dangerous jobs and people work then everyday! Not everyone in the world has a desk job, like I now have. Just saying.

I think we are overlooking one important thing in all this. Our bodies as intricate and wonderful as they are WILL wear out over time. Death is part of the life cycle. If you don't do anything at all but protect your body 24/7 your body is still gonna go to shit some day. I had much rather get a little banged up and have some aches and pains as I get older, having lived one helluva fucking AWESOME life! And these athletes and sports stars well, most of them dreamt of becoming who they are since childhood and are living the dream come to true! That's just life folks. I honestly don't give a fuck if God takes me tomorrow because I have LIVED one helluva AWESOME LIFE!

GET OUT THERE AND LIVE PEOPLE! DANGEROUS IS FUN! Fuck the couch. At least until you get about my age and have earned the right to rest a bit.

Peace and love to all. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I read an article about a Dr that was working on the concussion problem in pro hockey and he developed a neck guard that minimized concussion by like 85% but the union said they couldn' make the players wear it because it was ugly.
Imo it's part of a bigger problem in society aswell.
We are living in the hand sanitizer generation where people are allergic to their own farts and no one wants or expects to get dirty.


Well-Known Member
Will Smith's new movie is going to cause some change I think.

There's no denying these guys are getting big time brain damage.

I guess I'm wondering how they could continue without changes / sensors / etc

I realize the billionaires will bitch
I've read several different articles about this movie that all said that this movie basically "white washes" what really happened, because of the fear of retribution from the NFL. They say that the movie doesn't go nearly far enough in portraying what really went down.


Well-Known Member
One more thing here. What about my ankles and knees that are messed up from playing street ball and running cross country? Not to mention marching in the military and all that stuff I did while in there? And how about the bad shoulders and quirky spine from lifting, toting, bending, throwing, prying, pulling and pushing and all that other physical stuff I did over two decades in manufacturing? And what about my feet that are ruint from decades of standing on concrete floors? I'm sure I am missing some things here.

But, you know what! I played street ball and ran cross country cause I enjoyed it. Not because I had to. Oh and I enjoyed manufacturing as well. It was mans work. You used muscle and had callouses on your hands. You went home tired sometimes after long shifts and there was a sense of pride and satisfaction in that. And of course I got paid.

And what about the guys who have REALLY dangerous jobs? Like, soldiers and cops, oil field workers, manufacturing jobs can rip an arm off in a minute or crush a human body. Firefighters? EMT? Linesmen? I mean fill in the blanks here. There are millions of dangerous jobs and people work then everyday! Not everyone in the world has a desk job, like I now have. Just saying.

I think we are overlooking one important thing in all this. Our bodies as intricate and wonderful as they are WILL wear out over time. Death is part of the life cycle. If you don't do anything at all but protect your body 24/7 your body is still gonna go to shit some day. I had much rather get a little banged up and have some aches and pains as I get older, having lived one helluva fucking AWESOME life! And these athletes and sports stars well, most of them dreamt of becoming who they are since childhood and are living the dream come to true! That's just life folks. I honestly don't give a fuck if God takes me tomorrow because I have LIVED one helluva AWESOME LIFE!

GET OUT THERE AND LIVE PEOPLE! DANGEROUS IS FUN! Fuck the couch. At least until you get about my age and have earned the right to rest a bit.

Peace and love to all. :bigjoint:
None of what you mentioned compares to brain trauma. FOH


Well-Known Member
just saying. everything physical in life takes a toll on your body. Guess you could make all your clothes with a bubble wrap lining and you can live a long boring life.


Well-Known Member
just saying. everything physical in life takes a toll on your body. Guess you could make all your clothes with a bubble wrap lining and you can live a long boring life.
If it keeps me from shooting myself in the chest so my brain can be examined? So be it.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of Steve McNair. Guess we should avoid having girlfriends too while we're at it.

No football. No girlfriends. No cars. Just make all of our clothes out of bubble wrap eat oatmeal and stare at the walls so nobody gets hurt.


Well-Known Member
From the extended trailer I saw for this movie, it looks boring as shit. Interesting basis for a story, but the movie looks like a stinker, just like that unwatchable piece of shit...Argo. Maybe they will get an Oscar as well. I hope I'm wrong and it's captivating, Smith is capable of pulling off slow moving, true life dramas. Case in point, Pursuit of Happyness.


Well-Known Member
From the extended trailer I saw for this movie, it looks boring as shit. Interesting basis for a story, but the movie looks like a stinker, just like that unwatchable piece of shit...Argo. Maybe they will get an Oscar as well. I hope I'm wrong and it's captivating, Smith is capable of pulling off slow moving, true life dramas. Case in point, Pursuit of Happyness.
Argo was fuckin' awesome