
Much respect to Putin standing up to the theiving corporations known as the USA and Israel.

US economy is an elephant on stilts. We print 'money' out of thin air and steal other nations resources, murdering and assassinating like some wild cowboys. We have no respect for other nations sovereignty. The golden rule is: there are no rules!
Rules for thee but not for me.

The message from Putin to the vampires of the West: Don't FUCK with us!
He has no teeth, much less fangs, just a murdering, backstabbing cowards knife, that he stole from his last victims...
You make poor choices.
Especially the Israelis. He gave them Jerusalem.
And said eff the Palestinians.
Right now, we are more concerned with defeating and destroying the Russian army in Ukraine and there is about 92% of it there now. Russia can only project power about 50km beyond its wide gauge railheads now. It is a major weakness that will soon be exploited by destroying vital rail bridges inside Russia leading into Ukraine. This will cut off supplies and reinforcement to the Muscovy's already inside Ukraine including Crimea, after a blitzkrieg attack surrounds the Muscovy army and forces a mass surrender in the south this summer. As soon as that happens the Kerch bridge will be destroyed and the Russians in the south will be driven into Crimea and cut off. Whatever Vlad has in Crimea will be trapped there and unable to participate in the mainland battle to free the Donbas and the rest of Ukraine from Muscovy occupation. Soon enough it will be their turn, more tanks and irreplaceable equipment gone. Fighting in Belarus will finish off whatever army Vlad has left and will be very hard on Russian internal security forces stationed there.

China owns Russia and will move in on the east as Russia shrinks in size to west of the Urals with the coming dissolution, it might take a decade, but it will come and China will be waiting in the east, there are time zones of virgin forests and minerals to be had.
The World Bank and the EU calculated the cost of restoring Ukraine
The World Bank (WB), the European Commission (EC) and the Kyiv authorities have estimated the cost of restoring Ukraine at $411 billion. This was reported by Reuters.

“The restoration of Ukraine will cost 411 billion dollars. This amount is 2.6 times the GDP of Ukraine in 2022,” reported journalists of the agency with reference to the reports of international organizations. It is specified that the amount of damage to the energy system of Ukraine has increased five times compared to June 2022.

Earlier, Serhiy Nagornyak, a member of the committee on energy and housing and communal services, said that billions of dollars would be needed to restore the energy system of Ukraine. The minimum period for full recovery is at least a year, said Oleksandr Kharchenko, director of the Energy Research Center of Ukraine.
because they make their matzo with the blood of Christian babies, or didn’t you know.
Mmmm, blood of christian babies...Fucking morons. I can't even imagine being so afraid of everything even slightly different from my own life that i have to manufacture fantasies like that to convince myself that my fear is actually hate, so i can tell myself i'm not a coward...
Mmmm, blood of christian babies...Fucking morons. I can't even imagine being so afraid of everything even slightly different from my own life that i have to manufacture fantasies like that to convince myself that my fear is actually hate, so i can tell myself i'm not a coward...
Are you familiar with the Protocols [of the Elders of Zion]?
It was a fabricated calumny on the Jews (start 20th century) that underlay antisemitism in Russia and then central Europe you-know-where. The blood thing was one of the riper chestnuts from there.