
The thing is most Russians love Vlad, even according to US polls. Fact is he massively improved their lives when he took over for Yeltsin.

Those improvements are evaporating, but I think there's an age element too. Their population is older and they've struggled to maintain numbers, which means fewer young people, and young people are the ones that will be most opposed to him.
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Yeah the do if u follow the propaganda out from them, think in turn into a economic war now from them and it is from all the sanctions from us and the eu....but it's bull..go ahead and try to blame us, russians fired the first shot...

Problem is they don't have much to retaliate with, economically speaking. They're not even in the top ten of world economies. And their two-legged military is turning out to be pathetic, which really leaves them only one tool in the toolbox.
Sounds to me like that’s what you’re being told, as for IAEA, they don’t want any badges around. I know how nukes were built here in the 70’s, can only imagine what russian quality control was like.
Edit: and you may be right
i'm not being pissy now...
have you been told something different? i know there is a segment of Ukraines population that is about the same as our "special children"...racists, bigots, general assholes...but everyone has at least a few of them "special" folks. as far as i know, zelensky won a free and fair election, and no one was killing russians in Donetsk..
i'm pretty sure the U.S. didn't have any chemical warfare labs there, it would just be a silly place to put them. i could be wrong, but it sounds pretty far fetched to me.
Problem is they don't have much to retaliate with, economically speaking. They're not even in the top ten of world economies. And their two-legged military is turning out to be pathetic, which really leaves them only one tool in the toolbox.
They do have an obvious option once Vlad is gone, become a normal liberal democracy and stop the empire bullshit. It will take them awhile to recover, but they have a lot of oil that they are losing market share for as Iran and Venezuela come online again, as Uncle Sam makes deals. Make no mistake though a generation is fucked, but not so badly if it ends soon, but not as long as Vlad is around or near the levers of power.
They do have an obvious option once Vlad is gone, become a normal liberal democracy and stop the empire bullshit. It will take them awhile to recover, but they have a lot of oil that they are losing market share for as Iran and Venezuela come online again, as Uncle Sam makes deals. Make no mistake though a generation is fucked, but not so badly if it ends soon, but not as long as Vlad is around or near the levers of power.

This is the grand slam, kick him out in favor of someone desiring peace. They'd advance twenty years overnight, trade would open up immediately.
Russian troops stranded in 40-mile convoy could freeze to death in ‘metal tank refrigerators’
Russian soldiers who have been stranded in a 40-mile-long armoured military column of tanks and heavy weaponry near the Ukrainian capital Kyiv for days, could soon face freezing conditions.

Already facing sub-zero temperatures during the night, Ukraine is expected to witness a cold snap over the next few days with temperatures dropping to -10C with snowfall.

Temperatures could dip further to -20C on Wednesday because of easterly wind combining with arctic air.

Such icy weather situations are expected to make living conditions worse for the Russian army, whose troops remain stuck in the huge convoy of iron tanks that have barely moved and have been bogged down around 19 miles away from the centre of the city.

The tanks would act as huge refrigerators for the Russian army if they are not running the engine and would force them to flee, Glen Grant, a senior defence expert at the Baltic Security Foundation, told Newsweek.

“A metal tank is just a fridge at night if you are not running the engine,” said Mr Grant, who advised Ukraine on its military reform.

He said “the boys [Russian troops] won’t wait, they will get out, start walking to the forest, and give themselves up” to avoid freezing to death.

“You just can’t sit around and wait because if you are in the vehicle you are waiting to be killed. They are not stupid.”

Former British Army major Kevin Price told the Daily Mail that the iron tanks will become nothing more than “40-ton freezers” as temperature would plunge and it would demotivate Russian troops not prepared for Arctic-style warfare.

Ukraine, which has managed to slow down the Russian troops’ offensive, has claimed to have retaken the city of Chuhuiv.

Meanwhile, Russian government officials are “privately denouncing” Mr Putin’s war as “a clusterf***”, according to a report that came amid news of many senior Russian army generals having been killed while fighting in Ukraine.
you would think the russians would know not to attack what used to be russia in the winter...¿
I wouldn’t get my hopes up about revolts in Russia just yet.

One of the five most common Russian surnames is Smirnov. Which is based on the word smirenie, which roughly means submission/humility. Suffering by submitting to an authority is being a good Russian.

“Russian history, religion, folklore, and literature are rife with suffering. The plight of Anna Karenina, the submissiveness of serfs in the 16th and 17th centuries, ancient religious tracts emphasizing humility as the mother of virtues, the trauma of the Bolshevik revolution, the current economic upheavals wracking the country-- these are only a few of the symptoms of what The Slave Soul of Russia identifies as a veritable cult of suffering that has been centuries in the making.
Bringing to light dozens of examples of self-defeating activities and behaviors that have become an integral component of the Russian psyche, Rancour-Laferriere convincingly illustrates how masochism has become a fact of everyday life in Russia.”

The Slave Soul of Russia: Moral Masochism and the Cult of Suffering

Definitely not Denmark.
really? got a list or something? that's a pretty broad statement to make with no back up
I concede that. Most are clandestine conspiracies as far as facts. Medieval archives are poor and Spain, Portugal, England, Egypt and China are a few from then. And then our Manifest destiny and South American and Middle East affairs.

Surprised by this from you. You should know democracy and open trade at gunpoint by now.
you would think the russians would know not to attack what used to be russia in the winter...¿
You would think they would have auxiliary heaters that ran on diesel fuel, so they could stay warm when the engine is off, a gallon of fuel in an efficient little heater could keep them warm for many hours, even in an ice box when you are out of the wind and those things are sealed. It is Russia and they do have winter, it would be easy to do, cheap and should have been a no brainer.
I concede that. Most are clandestine conspiracies as far as facts. Medieval archives are poor and Spain, Portugal, England, Egypt and China are a few from then. And then our Manifest destiny and South American and Middle East affairs.

Surprised by this from you. You should know democracy and open trade at gunpoint by now.
oh, i know there are bloody knives and empty poison bottles in most countries histories, but it's getting harder and harder to get away with shit, and even if circumstances prevent anyone from saying anything publicly, retaliation doesn't have to be public. once political assassinations start happening, then retaliatory assassinations are going to start happening. that's why i don't recommend sending assassins after putin...if his own people kill him, hoo fucking ray...is someone assassinates him, that could piss off a lot of russians who would otherwise be happy to get out from under his thumb
You would think they would have auxiliary heaters that ran on diesel fuel, so they could stay warm when the engine is off, a gallon of fuel in an efficient little heater could keep them warm for many hours, even in an ice box when you are out of the wind and those things are sealed. It is Russia and they do have winter, it would be easy to do, cheap and should have been a no brainer.
SSHH...don't be givin' the trolls no ideas