

Well-Known Member
Yeah you can campaign while on bnet and not fuck other people up, make your games private or whatever. List it as I'm a noob or some shit. I'm gonna get on for a couple rounds of some TD map. On the west coast bnet (forget the name) channel RIU. Forgot one of my nick's is gyp on bnet, so you can add me if you guys want.

Buddy of mine just sold his lock for 500, you could get that or more for the pally.
Isnt it Lordaeron?

shit. im a geek


Well-Known Member
man i hope maybe i could get 4-500 bucks.. that would be cool. Yah lately ive been itching for some war3, so yah maybe im gonna go get it like next week. You all check the threads here everyday like me so getting a game together wouldnt be hard. I am on msn too [email protected] (Jason), so hit me up. Yah im such a nerd.

Know what else is tight? Grab like.. zsnes or snes9x, (google them), theyre supernintendo emulators and they have netplay. So we could get a round of street fighter 2 going or like super mario world or dkc lol. I think some of the older nintendo emus have netplay too so some mario3 would be cool too. I was just looking and the n64 emulator 1964 (thats the name) has netplay.. so maybe some mario kart 64?
i will pwn u all in mario kart.

*i was also thinking, if i sold my pally i could invest in a seriously nice grow setup LOL. ahah


Master of Mayhem
If we're goin for old school lets hook up some KILLER INSTINCT:twisted:

I used to pull of 70+ hit combos with Sabrewolf, not sure if I could still do it though:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I had a lvl. 70 character on WOW i got banned for talking about weed and using profanity in trade chat. 4th offense! haha


Master of Mayhem
I don't get it man...how the fuck do you add people and find people and shit?:evil:

I'm such a fuckin no0b:oops:


Active Member
I owned and played Warcraft III alot, I like it alot. It's probably still my fav rts so far. Especially loved the nightelfs. Get a few of them hippogriffs with archers on their back and you are invincible!!


Well-Known Member
Hey i just found my old WC3 and Frozen throne. Me and smoke123 are about to play. anybody else down?


Master of Mayhem
Man Truu I was gonna hit you up on AIM last night but I started watching National Treasure and well........

I did add you to my buddy list though:bigjoint: