Warehouse grow

right... this is a beautiful idea and i am jelous of it but this is running through my mind at the mo.

I just watched a program called Cannabis: Britians Secret Gardens... They were saying how easy it is for a police helicopter to pick up grows (they catch 8 large grow ops in the UK every day...) Unless you can keep that warehouse cool and explain why there would be any heat in it/huge price in electric bills, id stick to a grow in your house...

That program sure opened my eyes... who knew that every grower has a red/white heat spot on their roof, even if they are growing in the basement...
That program sure opened my eyes... who knew that every grower has a red/white heat spot on their roof, even if they are growing in the basement...

What if all of your neighbours are old and have the heating on full whack all of the time, you'd blend right in.
right... this is a beautiful idea and i am jelous of it but this is running through my mind at the mo.

I just watched a program called Cannabis: Britians Secret Gardens... They were saying how easy it is for a police helicopter to pick up grows (they catch 8 large grow ops in the UK every day...) Unless you can keep that warehouse cool and explain why there would be any heat in it/huge price in electric bills, id stick to a grow in your house...

That program sure opened my eyes... who knew that every grower has a red/white heat spot on their roof, even if they are growing in the basement...

The information in that program you watched is nothing more than scare tactics...I use FLIR cameras at work and have received training from the manufacturer in their use....I can assure you, the only way the fuzz could see a hotspot on your roof was if you HID light was mounted in the attic. Or in a second floor room that isn't insulated from the attic

The red/white dot would be the spot the light has warmed the roof.

Infra red cameras can only see heat, they can't see through things like an X-ray, not even glass. In fact, a clean window that is in direct sunlight will show up on the camera much hotter than it actually is. This one of the reasons why the fuzz has to scan at night during the summer.....
something you need to think about-

1. buildings that have an automatic fire sprinkler system SHALL have a monitored fire alarm system- NFPA (National Fire Protection Act)
2. all commercial properties that have an automatic fire sprinkler system SHALL be annually inspected- NFPA
3. all commercial buildings having an attatchment to a municipal water supplly SHALL have a backflow preventer valve installed on all taps-NBC (National Builders Code)
4. all automatic fire sprinkler systems SHALL have a backflow preventer valve installed on all taps- NFPA
5. all backflow preventer valves SHALL be inspected annually, by a licensed and certified individual- NFPA
6. all monitored fire alarm systems SHALL be tested and inspected annually- NFPA
7. all fire extinguishers shall be inspected and maintained on an annual basis- NFPA

so thats 3 completely unrelated inspections per year on a commercial building, every year.
hope you got a big handfull of bribe money.....

yeah and that's only one thing to think about..

I'm pretty sure a landlord visiting your "place of living." is a lot more invasive than building you rent for "storage." Not to mention the elctricity usage is compared to the other ware hosues around you.

I can tell the OP is a dreamer, this is never going to happen.

If it does, good luck, have fun, enjoy yourself.
maybe in the ground, but when my friend grew indoors he had to water every day, if not more than once

then your friend has no clue what hes doing. hes using pots that are WAY too small or his temps are too high or something is not as it should be. a well run soil grow should need watering every 3-5 days as opposed to a hydro system feeding 3-5 times daily.

unless your friend is growing in Dixie cups there is no reason to water soil every day.
I'm an experienced army technician and I did lots of studies to help the army. The one thing that a lot of people don't know is that the army netting that we put over our tents is so that helicopters don't pick up heat signatures. Yes, they have this special metal in them that defeats any heat signatures underneath. I know many military guys that put it on the roof of there grow op.
no its not wired I will run the wire myself but yea thats the reason Im moving my grows to warehouses its alot less suispious using 500-600 a month in electricity in a warehouse compared to a house and no landlords checking up on u

ok 500-600 a month?? at most you should not be paying more than 30 bucks a light at high cost and full time. thats like 210 a month. waht else you got going on, or is this all bullshit?? i hope for pots sake that it is not, but this is getting far fetched, tearing down walls, rebuilding, in a rental, renting an industrial shed, wiring it up? cmon dude, pics of warehouse, and set-up PLEASE!
then your friend has no clue what hes doing. hes using pots that are WAY too small or his temps are too high or something is not as it should be. a well run soil grow should need watering every 3-5 days as opposed to a hydro system feeding 3-5 times daily.

unless your friend is growing in Dixie cups there is no reason to water soil every day.

The system he was going to be using is the cap ebb and gro.. 2 gallon modules hooked to a 55 gallon resi.....set up to a controller with built in timer for flood cycles..

i also use this system and with 37 modules to each 55 gallon res. so 37 plants per system.. you'll need two systems for 74 .. my point is. i fill my 55 g tanks in early veg and set my nutrient and ph, i usually dont have to refill or top off for 7-14 days.. sometimes with less plants even longer.

so as long as your atmosphere doesnt need constant monitoring you could get away with visiting the warehouse once a week in stead of every 2 to 3 days.. this system runs its self very efficiently..