warlock b cheese and alskan ice, help needed please


Well-Known Member
Hi to all who read this any input would be appreciated:) Firstly my set up comprises of 250w hps about 700mm or 0.7m from plants at mo. I have air drawn straight from outside to my grow room at the bootom and c filter drwing hot air out at the top. i also have a regular fan which goes on for a few hours a day to strengten stems. The size of my room is approx 7ft tall 12ft long 3ft wide. temps stay generally between 21 and 25c falling at night to maybe 18.c, humidity is between 30- 50%, Lighting cycle is 18/6 and i must admit i added 1ml of vitalink grow to a watering 4days ago, but apart from that no nutes at all. My grow medium is rockwool cubes after starting off in rockwool block. All apart from warlock which is in bio bizz soil and was grown from cutting, little history wit this 1. there was 2 but temps in room went up too high and one wilted and died.:cry: managed to save this one:mrgreen: but where growth was before incident,is now really slow now and lower shoots are starting to kick off now instead. my worry is that after initial growth spurt my plants seem to have grown only 1 set of new leaves in last 3- 4 days, and also are showing signs of yellow tips wit little brown points. Does anyone have any suggestions with this one? also the alaskan ice has got leaves curling up along the sides weird? help :confused: ph kit i have is a cheap aquarium droplet type but colour always a nice yellow/ green . anything i havent said that u need to know please ask. cheers !!!



Well-Known Member
theyv stretched something awful. the light needs to be a lot closer. when theyre that young, 30cm should be plenty of distance from the light to the plant. if ur unsure that its too close, put ur hand above the light. if it gets hot, its too close. move it so its close enough not to burn ur hand. as for the yellowing, iwouldnt worry yet, you should be fine.


Active Member
I've had plants go through a grow with little yellow on leafs and they've come ut just fine. I agree with locaz on the light i had a 400w about 30 inches away nd my seedling loved it.is b cheese barney's or big buddha i've got 2 weeks left on 4 barney's blue cheese.good luck with your grow m8


Well-Known Member
i know they have stretched but i dont have a low watt light and they obviously start in a prop so i didnt want the greenhouse effect to fry them.yeah i would like to put them closer but they wud jus fry under a 250w at such a young age been there done that unfortunatly:) i think 30 " is ok but 30cm wud deffo fry them. They r big budda b cheese how r yours going? i have only had the pleasure of tokin sum once and it was lush. gd to hear a bit of yellow is ok though, i still worried that the growth is v slow these r 3 weeks old from seed and seem small compared to others on the site, even under cfls . wat u think ? thanks for ya replies by the way. I am considering a light spreader so i can move it a bit closer.


Well-Known Member
do u have a reflector on the lamp? thats very odd, i have a hps, and on my last grow i had them round 20-25cm, and they loved it, didnt get burnt at all.


Well-Known Member
do u have a reflector on the lamp? thats very odd, i have a hps, and on my last grow i had them round 20-25cm, and they loved it, didnt get burnt at all.

yeah bud it has a reflector was bought as new from a local hydro shop, i have a hygrometer sat in between the plants and the light, and wen i move the light any clser than like 3 foot it rockets up to 30 .c its a nightmare i dont know why, i have good intake an outake but it doesnt help, do u think maybe the bulb needs replacing as i have done 1 other grow wit it, but i never heard of that causing more heat?? its shitter cos i want to flower under my 600w and obviously if my 250w gives me probs then its out the question, the room i have is huge as well so i cant suss the prob aarghhhhhhhh to add insult to injury my warlock has started drooping again it did this before so igiv it small amount of nutes, and it picked up but then the tips burnt , so this time i give jus water and it droops lol i only water bout every 4 days wen pot is super light, and its in bio bizz soil so shud not need nutes anyways, on the positive the blue cheese r still healthy lol do u have any ideas wat might lower my temps u think a light spreader wud help? appreciate ya help buddy


Well-Known Member
to be fair, it sounds like ur doing everything rite, and that bulb should be fine, they should last for a good while more than one grow (unless u were growing for like 6 months). as for the drooping, id leave off the nutes for a little while, especialy if theyre starting to get burnt, u mite find thats the prob. how big is ur grow space? all i can rele think of to lower the temp is another fan to spread the heat around? ur in the uk like me, so its not too hot atm, so if theres no other heat, and ur rooms big enough, and extra fan to spread the heat round mite work.


Well-Known Member
to be fair, it sounds like ur doing everything rite, and that bulb should be fine, they should last for a good while more than one grow (unless u were growing for like 6 months). as for the drooping, id leave off the nutes for a little while, especialy if theyre starting to get burnt, u mite find thats the prob. how big is ur grow space? all i can rele think of to lower the temp is another fan to spread the heat around? ur in the uk like me, so its not too hot atm, so if theres no other heat, and ur rooms big enough, and extra fan to spread the heat round mite work.
my grow space is bout 7ft tall 9 or 10 ft long an maybe 3ft wide, i have celotex lining the walls to keep it warmer at night (outdoors)and for the reflective quality, i think im gonna put another intake fan into the room to like u said get more circulation going. its just the noise thing that presents a problem for me, might have 2 spend out on a nice silent extractor. as for the warlock shes still looking all sad an depressed i noticed that the soil has quite a weird density to it in as much as wen dry its almost v hard to touch and comes away from the side of the pot wen testing the first inch for water, but wen i do water it almost goes straight through and straight out of the bottom of the pot. dont think i like this bio bizz will stick to rockwool from now on.:) wat medium do u grw in ? and its bin like 20.c here today :) bring it on have ever gone outdoors over here b4?


Active Member
Hey dude if your thermometers in direct light it wont give an accurate reading i keep mine at canopy level in the shade and my grow room has been hot the past few days with our good weather for the year


Well-Known Member
cheers for the input guys rep 4 u:) wit the hygrometer i assumed that putting it next to the plants would give me a true reading. of wat temp it is excatly where the plants are rather than the ambient temp of the grow room, am i wrong in doing this ? hey mcazz do u have a journal or any pics of ya blue cheese would love to see how ya grow went, good luck to u bth on ya grows


Active Member
i'll post some pics dude starting to flush tomorrow really stinky now.I figure bout 4 or 5 o's of 4 plants.it will give you true reading if at canopy temp in shade thats how i do mine and plants stay fine but i just burnt the s**t outta them wi nutes last week


Well-Known Member
sound m8 bet they do stink, theres been some cheese flying round town at mo and it must be the only green ive known that wud outstink ak 47 lol my babys smell sweet at the mo bit diff to the pungent cheese smell wat sort of smell u gt off yours? is it that punch u in the nose stink or a bit sweeter from the blueberry cross? well at least u at the flush now mate so u can get rid of any overfeed theres always summit :) gd luck wit the last couple of weeks m8 sure they be ok keep me updated take it easy


Active Member
hey dude her's some pics 4 barney's blue cheese,dwc,600w hps nutes are av connoisseur for bloom with big bud,voodoo juice,carbo load,overdrive and final phase for flush as you can see there burnt to bits with nute burn from a week ago and the belts to hold the buds up cos there too heavy for branches oh yeah these plants arent topped :shock:. they still have 2 weeks to go so they havnt started fattening out yet:lol:.



Active Member
oh yeah dude and they stink of cheese in some places and sweet and fruity in others on one plant the smell of cheese makes you feel sick


Well-Known Member
lol dude i know wat u mean the smell is so pungent on that cheese. those trees looking nice an crystally will fatten up nicely methinks, at least two weks of growth left there. Love the scrumpy shot :P must be a cider glider :) keep me posted on the last couple of weeks and smoke report lol how long did u veg those babys for ?


Active Member
defo cider rider m8.vegged for 5 weeks m8 i'll post some pics b4 chop then after with wet weight dry weight only prob is my m8 cut his plants down bout 4 weeks ago nd i lent 2 1/2 o's off him so he's getting it bak from this:cry:


Well-Known Member
roflmao its one of then innit sweet at the time till u gotta giv it back, still as cypress hill said what goes around comes around :) did he do b cheese as well? look 4ward to the crop pics


Well-Known Member
i only seen them in auto strains before, how did they turn out wat was the smoke like on em? i do love weed wit a bit of colour in them :)