warlock b cheese and alskan ice, help needed please


Active Member
turned out ok the buds went like a foxtail so no big cola just lottsa small fat 1's out of 10 seeds 3 were male then 2 hermied so he got 5 1/2 o's off of 5 plants.they were all harvested at different stages so there's a mix in my jare but cured quite nice


Active Member
Yeah m8 coming down thurs wud love to leave them longer but i have electric meter goin in friday.there fattening up nice and are covered in trich's.hows yours coming along i walked up to my front door the other day and all i could smell was weed my odoursok had came off ducting


Well-Known Member
welcome home eh lol!! bet you cant wait make sure u get sum pics, man im jealous. mine are doing well cheers my alaskan ice and 1 bc gt moved off to a mates for sum cfl loving, they looking gd, still gt 2 bc and a warlock. managed to move the lights like 2ft closer like u suggested temp is now gen 25-26.5.c but they responding well my 4 week old has large green leaves and strong stem wit leaves kicking out from inbetween branches etc, still only 5 sets of leaves on her ( i heard that bc is notorious for staying small, wat u think??) my seedling bc is well 2 weeks old and gt 3 sets of leaves. the warlock is weird mate. doesnt ever gt taller but has so many leaves sprouting from every orifice, think i stunted it wen young and its jus trying to grw frm everywhere else lol shud be funny in flower prob end up wit like 5 little colas or summit, will post sum pics later if u about


Active Member
Def get some pics on m8 my bc are bushy i didnt top vegged for 5 weeks till bout 15 inches and 2 of them have a bout ten colas with out topping and 2 were stressed when lights were flicked over so there deformed with wipy buds on but the 2 that were fine are gonna get me about 5 oz's fingers crossed.i've just took 5 bc clones from my mom and 3 white diesel cuttings so a m8's getting them cant wait to try some white diesel.


Well-Known Member
Def get some pics on m8 my bc are bushy i didnt top vegged for 5 weeks till bout 15 inches and 2 of them have a bout ten colas with out topping and 2 were stressed when lights were flicked over so there deformed with wipy buds on but the 2 that were fine are gonna get me about 5 oz's fingers crossed.i've just took 5 bc clones from my mom and 3 white diesel cuttings so a m8's getting them cant wait to try some white diesel.

hey mcazz hows you, white diesel sounds fat man.. ne thing with white in front of it is usually killer. never had the pleasure of smoking ne diesel...well heres the pics so far of my bcheese at 4 weeks from seed, warlock bin growin now for bout 7 weeks from clone.and b cheese at 2 1/2 weeks from seed, they all seem small to me, looking at others on here, but i reckon half these people wit like 2ft plants who say they are 2 weeks old are full of shit lol jus my opinion, i class veg time from 2 weeks after seed sprouts so 4 week veg is 6 week old plant etc, how do u do it ?



Active Member
They look fine dude yours are probs smaller because your only using 250 hps right only thing i would say is cover thoughs rw pellets in between watering cause it looks like algea growth on top.i class veg time from sprout so i vegged for 5 weeks from sprouting.i grew 2 white diesel last year but i had nothing but probs but i germ'd 1 with the blue cheese and it was nice and bushy so kept it as mother.


Well-Known Member
yeah there is algae growing on top, will cover up tomorrow with fresh cubes. never thought of doing that DUH! effects of smoking weed i suppose, ah well i can live wit that :) i like ya inventive instinct, never know might find a killer plant in there to clone, thats how cheese began its existance i believe, someone cross pollinating in the uk. you expecting bout 2 oz a plant then? i reckon id be happy wit that if i gt that out of mine, guess u will find out pretty soon... bet u having 2 sit on ya hands aint ya lol ol chop chop


Active Member
i'm going out my mind m8 lol:cuss:.there coming down tonight could have done with a week 2 10 day's longer but like i said electric meter is goin in fri so cant b helped but on my clones there getting 9-10weeks when they root.cheese began in the uk in luton m8 a grower was growing skunk *1 and the original cheese was a pheno thats why you could only get it in clone.there's a grow on here called cheese the hole cheese and nothing but the cheese he's done exodus cheese,greenhouse and big buddha yeah dude hoping 2 to 3 o's per plant i cut 1 of the deformed 1's with hardly any bud on it and quick dried cause i ran out of weed and aint got no money for sum:cry:.my bc cheese mom stinks even in veg she got transferred to soil.if i was you dude i would get a paper plate and make a hole in the middle to fit stem then cut from hole to edge of plate now just pull it apart and place over your pot cause if you put new cubes on top algea will grow just on them too kep your medium in the dark if poss i'll post some pics tonight of b4 chop and after.


Active Member
here's couple of pics after harvest dude.first is 4 big colas and the second is the harvest from the 2 best plants i got 1097 grams wet but thats still on stalk i'll post some more pics tomorrow and i'll post dry weight when fully dry



Active Member
here's some more pics m8 they had been hanging for a day when taken and there's a pic of the roots after being chopped they were so heavy this is the harvest from the 2 best plants.hows yours doin m8.the last pic is the roots from 1 of best plants and of the runt guess which 1's which lol



Well-Known Member
nice lookin buds my man, those 2 colas are fat :) be a shame 2 smoke em, u shud give em 2 me to look after 4 a ya :P can u see any blue tinges to the buds at all? mine r cool cheers bud gunna transplant in the next day or 2 , then 1 more week till flower and less electric bill :) gt my a.i. back off my mate he done a lovely job 4 me, man cfls do a sweet job on veg i really need to invest, so much cheaper 2 run and as good as if not better than mine under the 250w hps. so got 3 plants at bout 12" and a seedling will be banging into flower end o nxt week, an hoping to get 4 oz total maybe try and squeeze half a bar, that would see me nicely til nxt crop... have u had a sneaky toke on ya b cheese yet.... bet u have


Active Member
Yeah i am gonna put a 250 watt envirolight in my mother room your right they do veg better dude and cheaper i've only got a 125 watt 1 at the mo but my mate has it but the 250's are only 40quid from ebay with the reflector .i was making a j today dude and some accidently fell in it was quite nice considering no cure yet i've already made some cookies from some trim and the rest is goin into honey and bubble hash when i get some bags.it made the top of my brain feel numb :lol: i have not noticed a blue to the buds m8 i'm gonna trim down to nugs on sun then in to cure so i'll post the dry weight sun night even tough i dont wanna cut my big 1's up:cry: but i know it will be worth it after a bit of cure.i was well surprised by my wet weight m8 considering that was only 2 plants


Well-Known Member
yeah m8 over 1000gs is sweet they say a quarter of ya wet weight is wat u left with, so 250 g / bar would be excellent yield off 2 plants man down town at mo u can sell it £10 a gram thats £2500 lol not that im gunna sell my bud, but its always nice to see how much money u saving:) accidently fell in the joint roflmao nice one did the cookies do the job for ya, never tried doing much wit the cut offs apart from gt a pollom shaker and whack em through there. as 4 cfls my m8 gt 250w twin 125s. they bang on. transplanted today they had a lovely white thick root system that had curled nicely round the bottom of pot and half way bck up. so gd timing, even my seedling which is growing so slow had roots all the way down, which were white and healthy. gunna whack 600w on em later, and giv 1 week veg till off they gointo flower, cnat wait to see them go wild :)


Active Member
i got 7 oz'z of 2 plants m8 its been curing for 4 days and its quite nice smoke already and i got another 2 off the deformed plant left.they should go mad under the 600 hps m8 mine went about twice the size during the stretch in flower but most of the growing was on the side branches and i didnt even top them


Well-Known Member
i got 7 oz'z of 2 plants m8 its been curing for 4 days and its quite nice smoke already and i got another 2 off the deformed plant left.they should go mad under the 600 hps m8 mine went about twice the size during the stretch in flower but most of the growing was on the side branches and i didnt even top them

thats fat man, nice yield that ought to feed ya senses for awhile :) nice 1 i put the six on em and my growroom went up to 30.c straight away even wit my beast of an extraction fan sucking in cool air from outside straight on to the bulb, nuts?? so i had 2 put the 250 bck in have ordered a 250w cfl to boost with the flowering process instead, see how that goes:neutral: having a nightmare at mo think my rooms gettin 2 cold at night, got major purple stem and they have really slowed in growth, aprt frm branches have started coming out of everywhere, did the transplant 5 days ago now and havent watered since, had alittle dig an the roots have tspreaded nicely to new medium, however major drooping going on wit curled down leaves thought was dwn to no watering, so wen pots were light i give a gd watering wit half strength nutes, but she jus aint responded??:cry: put new heater in room as old 1 obviously not up 2 it and will see how we go gunna slap sum pics up in a mo,


Well-Known Member
alright r kid,, yeah m8 gt it down to 27/28.c now and they seem 2 love it i thought that wud be 2 hot but they well happy in there. on 12/12 as frm yesterday lights r off now but will take sum pics and post 2 mor, they r quite bushy now and seem to have rooted nicely in their new pots, hows the smoke now its proper dry??


Well-Known Member
alright r kid,, yeah m8 gt it down to 27/28.c now and they seem 2 love it i thought that wud be 2 hot but they well happy in there. on 12/12 as frm yesterday lights r off now but will take sum pics and post 2 mor, they r quite bushy now and seem to have rooted nicely in their new pots, hows the smoke now its proper dry??
heres some pics of them now m8, 3 days into flower under the 600w, b cheese has some stains on the leaves which i aint to happy about but a.i is looking sweet and warlock is starting to stretch out a bit as well. let me know wat u think :joint:



Active Member
can u lable them m8 cos it looks like some need nutes some dont i suspect the blue cheese is nute burned and the ones that are lighter green need more N do you have a osciliating fan close to them blowing on to them.it'll all come good m8 hope you get a good harvest wots the alaskan ice indica or sativa.im starting some serious seeds white russians soon and the smoke is great.