Warning!!!!! Do not do business with this caligrown!!!!

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Well-Known Member
..what a bitch
Evidence always leads the way and I started by being neutral but I now beleive this guy really is a scumbag!! WTF... Now I know his mod days are over and you know what... People that screw others never learn their lesson so I do know for a fact that he will do this again... Might be his last...

Loving your Avatar Jah~


Well-Known Member

wicked u are the #1 bitch,

PM the proper people his name. there are plenty of peeps who will revenge on him for simple GP on here

if a fucker wronged me like that I wouldnt touch a hair on him head,

just anonymous tip to the federalis will get rid of him and get him ass raped.

not above it, u make war on me you better be ready for "everything"

thats how they get rid of rival crack dealers where im from.

That is a very dangerous game right there.


Well-Known Member
hell yes. im glad someone spoke on it.... cuz i didnt want to touch it.

but calling in anon tips would be a nono for me.


Well-Known Member
look what i just spent the last 5 hours doing. :mrgreen:

here cali, cali .......................

looks like about a pound. hijack and black domina. woot, woot. poor guys out robbing people for dime bags and i'm still doing this. :mrgreen::blsmoke:
Showoff. :-P


Well-Known Member
That is a very dangerous game right there.
Always a voice of reason, pan.

Fdd, I am truly impressed with your composure and perspective. Family first.

That said, know that if I ever deserved a kick in the teeth I would never take it to the police or your home.

... and for the last time, have scissors, will travel ... it could make a very fair trade for some hijack/SS hybrids, and the timing should be just about right.


Well-Known Member
lol....was this a serious question...lol
yes it was,i thought with 2 weeks left i might as well let the ones that hermied finish with the others being only 2 weeks left,but then im not sure,so ya it was serious.and im serious about you being a mod,youve already been knighted,hell very few can say that,mind you the way lord levy hands them out you never know lol.


Well-Known Member
shit i thought it was lordblunts,its loudblunts so you have not been knighted,as my son would say my bad,to which i would respond no you mean mine stupid.


Well-Known Member
Evidence always leads the way and I started by being neutral but I now beleive this guy really is a scumbag!! WTF... Now I know his mod days are over and you know what... People that screw others never learn their lesson so I do know for a fact that he will do this again... Might be his last...

Loving your Avatar Jah~
ive know some bad burn artists in my time,ive seen my share of,how do i put this stand offs,and ive known a few that changed their ways,i even have a buddy that went as far back as his troubled mind would let him and paid back what he could to the people he burned,all except a certian gang(his responce was that they owe people more then i ever burned them for)but people do change.and some try to make ammends,even some of the ones that are junk yard dog mean.but they are few and far between.


Well-Known Member
ive know some bad burn artists in my time,ive seen my share of,how do i put this stand offs,and ive known a few that changed their ways,i even have a buddy that went as far back as his troubled mind would let him and paid back what he could to the people he burned,all except a certian gang(his responce was that they owe people more then i ever burned them for)but people do change.and some try to make ammends,even some of the ones that are junk yard dog mean.but they are few and far between.

It is true , I know a guy whom changed his whole life .. He should write a book .. people can change ,,,,


Well-Known Member
but then again its a game cali started,sometimes you dont get to make the rules for the entire game.theirs always someone that has a differant set of rules,thats why calis screwed..
Keep in mind that this type game can be played by both parties.

Also this game comes with serious repercussions,this is the internet & were all muscle bound tough guy's who want to fight to the death but in real life this is a game where if you play you damm sure be ready to see it through to the end.

So far all that's lost is money & pride,play the game where freedom is at stake & lives can be lost,not a smart game to play unless a guy's a gangster in real life,im not & i'd never play that game.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that this type game can be played by both parties.

Also this game comes with serious repercussions,this is the internet & were all muscle bound tough guy's who want to fight to the death but in real life this is a game where if you play you damm sure be ready to see it through to the end.

So far all that's lost is money & pride,play the game where freedom is at stake & lives can be lost,not a smart game to play unless a guy's a gangster in real life,im not & i'd never play that game.

It's crystal fucking clear if you can objectively look at it from a risk/benefit perspective.

The toughest part for most is being able to sit on something long enough to *actually* think about it.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that this type game can be played by both parties.

Also this game comes with serious repercussions,this is the internet & were all muscle bound tough guy's who want to fight to the death but in real life this is a game where if you play you damm sure be ready to see it through to the end.

So far all that's lost is money & pride,play the game where freedom is at stake & lives can be lost,not a smart game to play unless a guy's a gangster in real life,im not & i'd never play that game.
i understand that,what im saying is their is always some one ready to do it,i dont no who,and i dont know when,im just saying their is always someone going to bring you down.it just comes with the domain cali chose to walk in.when people are young they dont think before they act,they just act.all though it may waste the next 10 years of their life,its sad but true,if only we could turn back time.


Well-Known Member
That is a very dangerous game right there.

I agree, it is the Sang-real of options but lets look at this logiclly,

if you find him and damage hiim physically you risk your ass in jail for a long time for somthing this fucker did to you

if you call the fed on him he has no idea who did it, you finally get to use the cops to your advantage, to lets face it, bag up a scumbag that will now know who he should have never fucked with

you do have a great point that he could do the same to you

if it was me i prolly wouldnt do anything except bluff about doin somthin if i dont get my money. just because of the risk involved with all the other options, but i would take great pleasure in it if i could see a motherfucker like that get shackled up, i mean when sombody challanges you to a game of chess you would be dumb not to use all the pieces, why risk your king when you can let the pawns ride on him, you know

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Well-Known Member
If there is any advice i can give it is that no what you are getting in to if you do decide to hunt him and do something to him. I got ripped off 8 yrs ago and i did what i thought was the right thing at the time. Kidnap hid ass and fuck him up till i git my money in flesh or cash. I did and the i got busted for it. Kidnapping, extortion assault with intent to do grate bodily harm ect. i got lucky and only did 5 yrs of probation and the one thing that i learned out 5yrs of going to piss in a cup and report every week for that long, NUTHING SHORT OF A LOVED ON BEING HYRT NUTHING IS WORTH NOT HAVING FREEDUM.


Well-Known Member
If there is any advice i can give it is that no what you are getting in to if you do decide to hunt him and do something to him. I got ripped off 8 yrs ago and i did what i thought was the right thing at the time. Kidnap hid ass and fuck him up till i git my money in flesh or cash. I did and the i got busted for it. Kidnapping, extortion assault with intent to do grate bodily harm ect. i got lucky and only did 5 yrs of probation and the one thing that i learned out 5yrs of going to piss in a cup and report every week for that long, NUTHING SHORT OF A LOVED ON BEING HYRT NUTHING IS WORTH NOT HAVING FREEDUM.

amen my friend glad u made it through
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