Warning!!!!! Do not do business with this caligrown!!!!

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Well-Known Member
i can get in touch with a few lawyers. :mrgreen:

this is the "medical scene". we are doing everything we can to STOP this BS. this "take the hit, it's illegal anyways" has got to stop. this is everything we are fighting against. :evil:

But from you being in the " scene" as long as you have been , How many actual cases of theft like this have you seen go through the courts In Cali and then actually have a verdict.... You know Im your friend Fdd , And would love nothing more than you to get whats owed to you .. But I think the only justice due here is street justice , I feel spending money on a lawyer is throwing the money away ,, Lawyers will tell you what you wanna hear to get that retainer ,,,


Well-Known Member
45 Oz even at cut rate prices of $300 an OZ = $13,500 in product ... That would warrant a real good ass kicking where Im from.. If he was lucky he might be able to eat his food through a straw afterwards... You just dont play like that .. That shit is a MAJOR INFRACTION
He would have caught two hot ones to the face where I'm from. Dead men don't make good thieves. lol. He wouldn't have made it to the second theft before he was dealt wit in my city. No question, $13,500, shit he woulda been a major target, and wouldn't have been able to stay in town for half that amount. Assuming it happened as it has been stated. Just stating the consequence for such infractions. But there is always two sides of the story then the truth. And you can quote me on that.
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New Member
Sorry korvette. love ya but totally disagree with you.
This is exactly what the problem is. This is exactly what Cali is counting on.

I'm not sure if it is just because I am so distrusting of others and am generally suspicious but this is my take on this entire thing.

Cali gets an mm card and comes to this site, meets with a bunch of people and gains thier trust including fdd. FDD is a perfect candidate because
#1 he lives in california
#2 he is generous and trusting to a fault.
#3 hes a mod with power and knowledge

From the very beginning when he started showing an interest in compassion clubs stating that he wants to opem one up.
Well what better way than to befriend the main man here and gain some respect. Its not hard to tell that fdd is extremely generous and trusting.

When you meet a guy and he is a smooth talker and knows exactly the right thing to say to any woman

we call them a lady's man or a charmer etc

when you meet someone like this and they know the exact right thing to say to both men and women

we call them cons.

To me he conned his way into a position where he triust was gained and took FULL advantage. I really don't think this was an accident.
When you look at the eyes of him looking down that barrel...its spooky.

when you look at the vidoe of him at the compassion club....its spooky...

He wasn't in this medical marijuana to learn more about different strains etc....he was in it all for the money....
I can almost see the $ signs in his eyes and more than that....I feel it......its just spooky. :?

This guy is out for himself period. He doesn't care who he screws along the way.

The moment he started lying about why he could not come up with the money, including saying his mother died.....WTF:confused:...etc......
I would no longer view him as a friend. He is counting on this from you and it is working to his advantage.

Just my opinion but I would even go as far as to say that he counted on nobody speaking up due to the subject matter:evil:47]This is a street matter this aint the people's court , or Judge Judy,,, This is a guy who Rob's his friends , He get you to trust him then he fuck's you .. Live and learn , Chalk it up to experience .................[/quote]
But isn't this the exact sterotyping we are trying to change here.
This is medical marijuana dammit. These were drugs that were basically stolen....no there was not a written agreement but that is not always necessary. If we all had this same mentality about weed then no changes would ever take place. Nothing would ever happen. no laws would change and things would remmain the same.:-?:confused:

If we are a community who believe in all the benefits of medical marijuana then we should stop thinking we need to hide our heads in shame. If the government has given the ok and stated that this may and can be used as a medical then I would be riding that as far as it could take me:hump:

I would take a stand ...and this is NOT being revengeful.
Revenge is petty...childish.....bleach in oil?:-?

taking a stand isn't and if anyone could pull it off I think you could.:peace:

Pour bleach in his oil.
But from you being in the " scene" as long as you have been , How many actual cases of theft like this have you seen go through the courts In Cali and then actually have a verdict.... You know Im your friend Fdd , And would love nothing more than you to get whats owed to you .. But I think the only justice due here is street justice , I feel spending money on a lawyer is throwing the money away ,, Lawyers will tell you what you wanna hear to get that retainer ,,,
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Well-Known Member
i trust everyone until they give me a reason not to. your invitation to my home comes with my full trust. anyone wanna come over? anyone?
Hey buddy, I'll hit you up when I come up north. Should be heading to Sacramento to see my grandma. I wouldn't mind a visit, and the pleasure of sampling your delectables. lol. I feel for the loss, makes me think of a few slimy guys in my days, that TRIED to get over on me. I am like you too, I give people the benefit of the doubt. It ain't like it used to be man, when there was honor among men. I don't know what else to say.


Well-Known Member
don't tease me. no one ever shows up once they see what they are in for. it's not fun.:neutral:
I'd give you an honest days work, for the simple knowledge and stories I'm sure you would share while we worked. I'm sure they would be invaluable in my gardening career.


Well-Known Member
Its ok Lacy .. everyone has opinion's .. The bottom line here is this guy is still able to continue to walk the street and do this to other people .. I dont read any other forums ,But I bet he is online looking for more victims .... Love you too....

James Bond

Well-Known Member
lol, I say things like bleach in his oil but going a legal route would really be the thing to do. Most responsible.


Well-Known Member
whats that california song by the beach boys,its fun fun untill someone takes your mustang away.


Well-Known Member
its all peace, vibes, sun and hippies out there huh.:mrgreen: fuck if i would let someone take food off my familys table. i got my 15 guns back and i would get my money for my 2.5 bows no matter what. :evil: :peace:


New Member
Its ok Lacy .. everyone has opinion's .. The bottom line here is this guy is still able to continue to walk the street and do this to other people ..well exactly. He is a criminal though and needs to be put through the penal system. LMAO!! Ok that didn't sound right. But you know what I mean. :-?
That is the exact reason why I would want to take him down. Criminals don't always come in the obvious slimey dirty package. I dont read any other forums ,But I bet he is online looking for more victims ....

Love you too....
I Know ya do :hump:

lol, I say things like bleach in his oil but going a legal route would really be the thing to do. Most responsible.
Yeah I figured you were just joking but had to go there about the revenge. I'm not into the revenge thing as I think it is stooping to their level.

Taking this via legal route, if possible, is just doing the right thing ...when wronged. :-?

If fdd had a compassion club and was growing for someone who wanted to open up their own compassion club, so had a verbal contract with him and caligrown screwed up, then it is wrong.

Perhaps these meds could have been used for others in need.
Because they were taken and not replaced etc then he has to replace them OR take the loss. If this is a business then it is a loss.
Whether that loss is viewed as thief would be up to the judge to determine.

With all of fdd's dealings and standings with the general public,.selling to clubs,..teaching a course at a university etc...it seems to be apparent (in MY opinion) that his intentions and actions are clearly for medicinal purposes.

I am not sure how this will fare in court but I think it would be worth a shot and certainly something worthy of further investigation.

Yes its just my opinion BUT you know me...:hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
............................:hump:I Know ya do :hump:

Yeah I figured you were just joking but had to go there about the revenge. I'm not into the revenge thing as I think it is stooping to their level.

Taking this via legal route, if possible, is just doing the right thing ...when wronged. :-?

If fdd had a compassion club and was growing for someone who wanted to open up their own compassion club, so had a verbal contract with him and caligrown screwed up, then it is wrong.

Perhaps these meds could have been used for others in need.
Because they were taken and not replaced etc then he has to replace them OR take the loss. If this is a business then it is a loss.
Whether that loss is viewed as thief would be up to the judge to determine.

With all of fdd's dealings and standings with the general public,.selling to clubs,..teaching a course at a university etc...it seems to be apparent (in MY opinion) that his intentions and actions are clearly for medicinal purposes.

I am not sure how this will fare in court but I think it would be worth a shot and certainly something worthy of further investigation.

Yes its just my opinion BUT you know me...:hump::hump::hump:

it says i have to spread some more before i can rep you again. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I've befriended a few people from here and so far each and every one is beyond totally cool. I'm growing some nice stuff because of them.
This has also been my experience, but I am very skeptical of people and allowing them to get to close too soon. So, maybe my gut judgment kept me away from jackasses for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Sorry korvette. love ya but totally disagree with you.
This is exactly what the problem is. This is exactly what Cali is counting on.

I'm not sure if it is just because I am so distrusting of others and am generally suspicious but this is my take on this entire thing.

Cali gets an mm card and comes to this site, meets with a bunch of people and gains thier trust including fdd. FDD is a perfect candidate because
#1 he lives in california
#2 he is generous and trusting to a fault.
#3 hes a mod with power and knowledge

From the very beginning when he started showing an interest in compassion clubs stating that he wants to opem one up.
Well what better way than to befriend the main man here and gain some respect. Its not hard to tell that fdd is extremely generous and trusting.

When you meet a guy and he is a smooth talker and knows exactly the right thing to say to any woman

we call them a lady's man or a charmer etc

when you meet someone like this and they know the exact right thing to say to both men and women

we call them cons.

To me he conned his way into a position where he triust was gained and took FULL advantage. I really don't think this was an accident.
When you look at the eyes of him looking down that barrel...its spooky.

when you look at the vidoe of him at the compassion club....its spooky...

He wasn't in this medical marijuana to learn more about different strains etc....he was in it all for the money....
I can almost see the $ signs in his eyes and more than that....I feel it......its just spooky. :?

This guy is out for himself period. He doesn't care who he screws along the way.

The moment he started lying about why he could not come up with the money, including saying his mother died.....WTF:confused:...etc......
I would no longer view him as a friend. He is counting on this from you and it is working to his advantage.

Just my opinion but I would even go as far as to say that he counted on nobody speaking up due to the subject matter:evil:47]This is a street matter this aint the people's court , or Judge Judy,,, This is a guy who Rob's his friends , He get you to trust him then he fuck's you .. Live and learn , Chalk it up to experience .................
But isn't this the exact sterotyping we are trying to change here.
This is medical marijuana dammit. These were drugs that were basically stolen....no there was not a written agreement but that is not always necessary. If we all had this same mentality about weed then no changes would ever take place. Nothing would ever happen. no laws would change and things would remmain the same.:-?:confused:

If we are a community who believe in all the benefits of medical marijuana then we should stop thinking we need to hide our heads in shame. If the government has given the ok and stated that this may and can be used as a medical then I would be riding that as far as it could take me:hump:

I would take a stand ...and this is NOT being revengeful.
Revenge is petty...childish.....bleach in oil?:-?

taking a stand isn't and if anyone could pull it off I think you could.:peace:


Very well put, this is the exact impression I got of the dude. He seem like the kinda guy to say all the right things, and get you to let your guard down and get comfy with him, so you would be more susceptible and vulnerable to his con. With this kind of mentality and attitude that your only out for self, that will be his demise. You can count on that.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
 RIU Family, take notes from a person that has been there. Revenge comes in 3 options. Kill the Fuck straight out, walk away and not do 20 for some asshole that eventually some non-wise person will do 20 years for; or hide & watch for an idiot to do the deal. Shit rolls down hill, what comes around, goes around. Everybody gets their just. Don't recall the name, but one President in the early 1900's was ask why a man that was found guilty of horse theft was hung, but a man found guilty of murder was not necessarily hung. The Presidents answer was "I never met a horse that needed stealing." Obviously, there is people that need to be dealt with, but risking your life & liberty to "adjust" what this social bottom feeder does is certainly not worth the risk. Hey Korvette, You take him down, give the alibi, dump the body. Maybe do 20 for Agg. Assault. Problem is, there is 90 million others that need adjusting. Where do you stop? Eat it & live & learn. Unless.....


Well-Known Member
con men and hustlers come in all shapes & forms. get a nice chunk of money and see who your real friends and family are. anyone who has been in the game knows what the rules and consequences are. we all learned from a young age to not trust your own brother when it comes to this stuff. it is a shame when a shark gets his hooks into a nice person. it is true that the medical side of this is different than the underground. in the underground if someone robs you and everyone finds out in the streets then you lose all respect and your home & family are not safe. whatever it takes for you guys to get your money back, i hope it all works out.


New Member
:mrgreen:.......see I knew you could learn to like me :peace:;)[quote=fdd2blk;1092142]it says i have to spread some more before i can rep you again. :mrgreen::peace:[/quote]
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