Warning: Nirvana has pulled all AF of the shelf!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
And they have been on 20/4 since seed, recently backed them down to 18/6 at 5 weeks because the electric bill is too high..

They have grown into beautiful sativa dominant plants, like I said 2ft average at 5 weeks. No irregular growth, very fast vegetation,thin and sharp leaves, 11 leaflets. Best looking plant I've ever grown.

Now I would not buy these seeds again or anything, I prefer photoperiod plants, but you have no right to go ignorantly raving about how shitty a seed bank is and name calling.

Grow up :joint:
how is calling things like they are ignorant?


Well-Known Member
I am going to back off my anti-nirvana thing though, it seems they are finally getting back to some of the people im talking to and actually trying to make amends, but you also havent seen the emails they sent to people who complained saying it was the growers fault.


Well-Known Member
He's ranting and raving how bad Nirvana is because he had a bad experience along with a couple other people. Im by no means a Nirvanahead,I'm more of a Next Generation/ Serious seeds kinda guy. I just wanted to try them out and they're coming along as planned.

Just pointing out two exceptions that I know of.


Well-Known Member
Wow bad luck for a lot of people I see. I ordered from the feminized Auto Blue Mystic batch with all the males and got 1 male and 1 female. They sent free replacements but it looks like I may as well not even try to grow those.


Active Member
Here is what Nirvana sent me about their AF:

"Thank you for your complaint. That may sound strange, but we take is very serious! It seems like the first batches we received from our breeder were doing fine, but the latest batches are not doing what they are supposed to be doing and I am sorry about that. At the moment we are studying all the grow reports we have received so far to see what the problem is exactly and have contacted our breeder about this problem. We might have to decide to stop selling these strains, or at least change the description in our shop. I would like to send you 2 packs of feminized seeds from a strain of your choice to compensate you for the Northern Lights. Please let me know which strain (s) you would prefer to receive.

Has anyone saved any space on these plants? NO! Has anyone finish three weeks early? NO! Do they auto flower? NO! Nothing has worked for these plants since that start.

Everyone sees preflowers and hairs around three to four weeks. . . do you have bud on your plants or just preflowers and hairs? On average these plants yield about 1/2 oz, and on a four feet tall plant that not very good at all. How do you know how much you will yield? Dont guess my friend. Dont take my word on it, look around and reseach some grow journals and see for yourself. Please come back with pics of your harvest so we can see what you got. Until then, I suggest you put those plants in 12/12 and get this nighmare over with. B/c if you yield the average, after grow ten of these AF, you prob will have lost about 10k in bud.


Active Member
Just tried the last of my ten pack of Short Riders, and like the ones before, they failed to germinate. My first try was using the grow kit I bought along with them. Those two did nothing. I tried again with two by soaking them first until they split, then putting them in a party cup of soil. The next ones went into a wet paper towel until they split and then into the soil. I've tried about everything, including using a heat pad to be sure they were warm enough - but not a single seed has sprouted. True that I am a first time grower, but since I've been reading for weeks (and have grown other plants before) I can't be that inept. I've been in contact with Nirvana and they say they will be replacing the seeds. I'm still concerned about the Short Riders growing for me though as it seems they've also been an issue for others here.


Active Member
Seems like there are more and more complaints about the short rider recently than anything else. That is so strange b/c they have sold that for a long time and ppl like it. I'm starting to think the the breeder that does their AF had some major accident or incident at his greenhouse. Maybe he use a russian ruderal stud for all the AF and it died? Maybe he had bad infestiation or accident and all the AF genetics where destroyed or something? It has to be something like that. How can good working plant with a known following just go bad overnight? The breeder prob tried to cover this up by just replacing every AF with first gen strains to get the seeds flowing again. You know, like he just got his hands on any male ruderal he could get without any selection/breeding process, then grabbed a NL female and made some seeds. There is nothing about my plants that even show a hint of AF in them. They look just like normal NL and act like it too.


Well-Known Member
I filled in a help ticket & 3 days later I got a notice saying they are replacing my seeds. Thats great! Very happy with Nirvana & will continue to use them.

Great prices, great packaging, great shipping & FANTASTIC customer service. What else can you ask for.

Now that I know the autos are screwed, Im going to toss the 2 that I started & plant 5 Haze. Never grown haze before. Hope its good.


Active Member
Im not dogging on Nirvana beleive me they have OUTSTANDING customer service they resent me seeds 4 times !!! because I had germination issues !!! there genetics though are a little off and unstable though thats all if they can fix that they would be a great business.


Active Member
Nirvana has the best customer service in this industry. The service and price cant be beat. I agree 100%, they need to go back and revist their strains stablilze all of them. If they did that, their business would explode.

Whoever is their breeder(s), they need to go over there and put their foot in that guys ass. They need to find a new breeder that will want to work hard to keep their business. These AF seeds are nothing less than titanic failure of the worst kind.

On the same note, I got my Nirvana replacement seeds today and they shipped them priority. I usually takes 10 days for my seeds to get here, these took only five days.