Warning! Please Read.


Well-Known Member
Alot of you probably already aware of this problem, But for those of you who dont, Growing outdoor. Watch out for SLUGS. 5 or six of these can devour most of your plant in a day. Seriously, I know of 3 people this Year that have had this Problem and lost good plants. So it might Be a good Idea to keep this in mind And take extra Precautions.!!! The best way i know of is Nicotine, Or copper Wiring, This can all be Found in the grow Log. Just tryin to be Helpful! Slugs are a disaster for a pot plant and there seem to be ALOT of them this year. Good luck And good Growing everyone!!
ive heard all about em... thank god mine are sort of UP off the ground so they cant get to em withouta fight.. but i examine daily and id notice the slime.. thanks for the heads up!:joint::peace:


New Member
leave a half of can of beer semi buried around your plants if your having problems with slugs, for some reason they are attracted to it like crazy and when they get to the hole of the can they fall in and cant get out.:twisted: