WARNING: Skunk causes psycosis and schizophrenia!


Well-Known Member

Have you ever hear of such bullshit. A few weeks ago David Nutt, the top British adviser on drugs, was fired for criticizing new government policy - saying that the facts don't back what the government is saying and that science is being bent for political reasons.

Either way, I didn't know Skunk was so stong. Good but not the most powerfull marijuana of all time.

Plus ... I thought it has been around for awhile, since the 80s wasn't it? The timing is impecable. My thoughts are that it has a recognizable and distasteful name so it's a great scape goat. The MacKenzie Fund, The Trillium Fund ... gotta love that advertising, government does it too.


DECEMBER 1, 2009

Skunk 'bigger psychosis risk' than other cannabis types

Cannabis is an illegal drug in most countries

People who smoke potent skunk are
more at risk of psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia than those who use other types of cannabis, scientists suspect.

According to new research, regular users double their risk of psychosis but heavy skunk users increase theirs seven-fold.

UK experts have a theory it is down to skunk's composition - it contains more of the chemical that gets users stoned.

The work is published in British Journal of Psychiatry.

The findings come only weeks after the UK's chief drugs adviser was sacked after he criticised the government's decision to reclassify cannabis up to Class B from C.


"What is a concern is that as a result of prohibition some dealers put other stuff into the cannabis they sell that may be damaging. I've heard of lead and glass being put in it." - (WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THIS? ADD WEIGHT?)


cont ...



What a coincidence .... or is it?




Well-Known Member


British "Drug Czar" Fired Over Inconvenient Facts

“Drug Czar” Professor David Nutt, the top British adviser on drugs, was fired last week over controversial statements criticizing current drug policies. The dismissal has prompted outrage among government scientists and even resignations among members of his council. Now, he is leading a revolt and threatening to form a new independent committee to continue his work. While serving as the chairman of the government’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), Nutt made claims about marijuana, ecstasy, and LSD being less dangerous than legal substances like alcohol and tobacco. He compared the risks of horseback riding with those of ecstasy, and even accused the government of “Luddite tendencies” and misleading the public. (see lead and glass in marijuana, post 1)

"Gordon Brown makes completely irrational statements about cannabis being 'lethal', which it is not. I'm not prepared to mislead the public about the harmfulness of drugs like cannabis and ecstasy,” Nutt explained. “I think most scientists will see this as an example of the Luddite attitude of governments towards science."

In response to the criticism, Home Office Secretary Alan Johnson charged Nutt with crossing the line into politics and even “lobbying” and "campaigning against government policy" regarding drugs. Johnson said he had “lost confidence” in Nutt’s ability to offer unbiased advice, and demanded that he resign his post. Following the spat, several members of the Council resigned in protest as well, and others may follow after a meeting next week with the Home Secretary.

But Nutt went on a rampage, remaining unrepentant and blasting the government’s attitude. "My view is policy should be based on evidence,” he opined. “It's a bit odd to make policy that goes in the face of evidence. The danger is they are misleading us. The scientific evidence is there: it's in all the reports we published. Our judgments about the classification of drugs like cannabis and ecstasy have been based on a great deal of very detailed scientific appraisal.”

The professor emphasized again that marijuana was “not that harmful” while railing against alcohol. “My view is that, if you want to reduce the harm to society from drugs, alcohol is the drug to target at present," he explained, suggesting that tripling the price may help mitigate the problem.

Nutt is also threatening to set up an independent advisory committee. Though he refuses to disclose the backers, he claims to have the financial support for creating the body and that he would bring a lot of the government’s panel with him. “All I can say is many of them are completely behind me and many of them are minded to resign,” Nutt said of his former colleagues.

The furor has spread beyond the drug advisory committee as well. "I am writing immediately to the Home Secretary to ask for clarification as to why Sir David Nutt has been relieved of duties as chair of the Advisory Council on Misuse of Drugs at a time when independent scientific advice to Government is essential,” said Phil Willis, the chairman of the government’s Science and Technology Select Committee. “It is disturbing if an independent scientist should be removed for reporting sound scientific advice."

Other groups outside of the government have joined in as well. Policy and communications chief Claudia Rubin from the non-profit group Release, described as a center of expertise on drugs and drugs law, blasted the decision to penalize Nutt. "It's a real shame and a real indictment of the Government's refusal to take any proper advice on this subject," she said.

Last year 7,341 deaths were directly attributed to alcohol in the nation, while tobacco claimed almost 115,000. According to the figures released by the University of London, ecstasy killed 12, while no deaths were attributed to marijuana.

In related news, the U.S.-based non-profit Law Enforcement Against Prohibition is warning of a new rule to silence U.S. government drug advisers that is currently making its way through the Senate. In a statement posted online, the group said the amendment “will legally prevent some of the government's top advisers from even discussing the idea of legalizing or decriminalizing drugs as a solution to the failed ‘war on drugs.’”

The “censorship amendment” being sponsored by Republican Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa would be part of a larger bill creating a commission to study the nation’s criminal justice and drug policies. It is supposed to offer recommendations on how to improve the system, but would be barred from considering certain alternatives if the amendment is passed. It could be voted on in the Senate Judiciary Committee as early as November 5.

The “war on drugs” has clearly failed. Around the world, the United Nations’ drug treaties are forcing countries like the United States and Britain to adopt senseless policies. Millions of nonviolent offenders are in prison while governments squander tens of billions every year enriching criminal syndicates and spreading violence throughout the world. But if governments continue to silence dissenters, constitutional and rational approaches to the problem may not even be considered.





Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's funny they grabbed on the skunk thing when skunk has been around for decades. Dr. Nutt is pretty cool. He won't let politics dictate science. There is a good youtube vid at the Norml website with the Dr. and a Sky News interviewer. Dr. Nutt fried the bitch! I'll see if I can post it later.

Oh, here's the link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5BrPuv9hWo


Well-Known Member

"the pigs call fire ass bud "skunk""

Pot Scott what is "fire ass bud"? Anything potent?


What these "researchers" fail to take into account is self medication - before someone is diagnosed with schizophrenia, clinical depression or any other mental illness the symptoms have manafested themselves and the person is in pain and distress - they will gravitate towards whatever activity that makes them feel better. Marijuana relieves some of the symptoms of mental illness, so does long distance running, I do both.

But some poor kid, 17, 18, 19 years old, never had marijuana before but is developing clinical depression that no one has noticed. He has a friend who has friends smoking pot, he shares a joint and feels better for a little while but doesn't know why - but next time he hears of someone smoking marijuana he's quicker to accept the joint. (mj relieves symptoms, not a cure. CD deepens) Then he's actively listening for chances to smoke, then he buys a gram and smokes half - feeling the only relief from pain that he's felt in days. His mother finds the 1/2 gram, blows up, he's watched and can get no release, the clinical depression continues to deepens.

Marijuana has ruined the life of another young person, obviously causing the clinical depression.

Anyone recognize themselves in part of that? Took me years to figure out that marijuana could relieve CD symptoms. You're slow when you're sick. Replace "marijuana" with "Long Distance Running" and see how much sense it makes.


Garbage science.

"Correlation does not equal causation."




New Member
who puts lead and glass in there bud im an american and ill wreck anyone that does that shit i grow my own and smoke my own! :)


Well-Known Member

"the pigs call fire ass bud "skunk""

Pot Scott what is "fire ass bud"? Anything potent?


What these "researchers" fail to take into account is self medication - before someone is diagnosed with schizophrenia, clinical depression or any other mental illness the symptoms have manafested themselves and the person is in pain and distress - they will gravitate towards whatever activity that makes them feel better. Marijuana relieves some of the symptoms of mental illness, so does long distance running, I do both.

But some poor kid, 17, 18, 19 years old, never had marijuana before but is developing clinical depression that no one has noticed. He has a friend who has friends smoking pot, he shares a joint and feels better for a little while but doesn't know why - but next time he hears of someone smoking marijuana he's quicker to accept the joint. (mj relieves symptoms, not a cure. CD deepens) Then he's actively listening for chances to smoke, then he buys a gram and smokes half - feeling the only relief from pain that he's felt in days. His mother finds the 1/2 gram, blows up, he's watched and can get no release, the clinical depression continues to deepens.

Marijuana has ruined the life of another young person.

Anyone reconize themselves in part of that? Took me years to figure out that marijuana could relieve CD symptoms. You're slow when you're sick. Replace "marijuana" with "Long Distance Running" and see how much sense it makes.


Garbage science.

"Correlation does not equal causation."


I know exactly what you're talking about. It wasn't until I was well into my first full year of regular recreational use that I noticed I hadn't had any major bipolar manic episodes. If I hadn't sought out proper help for my condition early on I'd probably just be another addict in the family, bouncing between over-use and non-use, unable to find balance, struggling to both fight and meet the self-fulfilling philosophy of binge and purge, self-loathing, regret, and shame that addiction treatment programs often help create.


Well-Known Member
why skunk,and how do they classify the skunk strain,skunk was a 3 way hybrid of 3 way hybrids themselves.,is it a coincidence that big pharma and dave watson aka sam the skunk man are leading the pack waiting for legalized pot to be controlled by big pharma and goverment.that this comes out.


Well-Known Member

I've gone through a similar time VH, if not for a weak stomach and acid reflux I'm sure that I'd be an alcoholic - like many of my uncles and cousins coincidentally. If not for hanging out with a new group of people, I met through a new friend, I would not have tried marijuana so often, I had only smoked a half dozen times in my life until then - I was 31 I think. Then it took me a couple of years to connect the dots. Now I lead a relatively normal life, I'm relatively content. Even when depressed I can get high and have a split mind, intellect separate to examine the emotional pain. Or maybe I'm just high.

Skunk causes mental illness. One of those look for any correlation scientific/political discoveries. Lies from whole cloth.




Active Member
I just e-mailed my psychiatrist this evening informing him, among other things, that I tried cannabis and it was the only thing that has made me feel content, calm, and productive. Wonder what the response will be...

This shit cannot go on any longer. Just legalize it and STOP LYING.


Active Member
well my dad smoked swag sence he was 13 and became a schizo but his niece to the best of my knowlage never smoked and she got the schizo to. i figure it must be on that side of the family. pretty scarry growing up though, he would sleep with a 12 gauge sawoff under his pillow so i learned never to get out of bed at night for any reason when i was a kid. makes a good exampe when he would shoot holes in the floor at the people trying to get him.


Well-Known Member
well my dad smoked swag sence he was 13 and became a schizo but his niece to the best of my knowlage never smoked and she got the schizo to. i figure it must be on that side of the family. pretty scarry growing up though, he would sleep with a 12 gauge sawoff under his pillow so i learned never to get out of bed at night for any reason when i was a kid. makes a good exampe when he would shoot holes in the floor at the people trying to get him.

Holy shit dude......


Active Member
well my dad smoked swag sence he was 13 and became a schizo but his niece to the best of my knowlage never smoked and she got the schizo to. i figure it must be on that side of the family. pretty scarry growing up though, he would sleep with a 12 gauge sawoff under his pillow so i learned never to get out of bed at night for any reason when i was a kid. makes a good exampe when he would shoot holes in the floor at the people trying to get him.

Ummm. Wow.