Cali chronic
Well-Known Member
I bet none of you bothered to even sign the petition on the home page in regards to this issue. Too stoned and paranoid to send the Whitehouse an email.
I bet most of you are not even registered to vote... especially the ones with all the passive aggressive comments to peoples posts--Afraid of Jury Duty a right that should be exercised by everyone. Unless you want am elderly lady who thinks Satan lives in your Rock N Roll collection decide your fate. If you are registered good make sure you show up and vote. If you do Jury duty thank you!
I bet most of you are not even registered to vote... especially the ones with all the passive aggressive comments to peoples posts--Afraid of Jury Duty a right that should be exercised by everyone. Unless you want am elderly lady who thinks Satan lives in your Rock N Roll collection decide your fate. If you are registered good make sure you show up and vote. If you do Jury duty thank you!