WARNING TO ALL GROWERS (especially outdoors): simple tip to avoid Big Brother


Active Member
Guys, you're pot growers, not Osama Bin Laden. Spend less time fucking with your cell phone and more time installing more carbon filters. Don't forget the dissinformation to all of your buyers. "the guy I get this from..." Remember, you don't grow. You're just a broker. There's a huge psychological difference between a broker and a grower. People are all proud to know a good grower...they could care less about some broker. Be the broker.
smart advice I already follow (except no filter.. Im outdoors), +rep


Well-Known Member
right now, it's a misdemeanor in my state to wear foil anything....
no joke...now you have to PROVE you were wearing them for legal personal amusement to get out of it or prove you're bat shit insane and need to be locked up anyways

apparently the kids were literally using foil underpants to bypass security equipment and were rapidly shrinking store inventories.
horrible times we live in...just horrible.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
right now, it's a misdemeanor in my state to wear foil anything....
no joke...now you have to PROVE you were wearing them for legal personal amusement to get out of it or prove you're bat shit insane and need to be locked up anyways

apparently the kids were literally using foil underpants to bypass security equipment and were rapidly shrinking store inventories.
horrible times we live in...just horrible.
This takes me back to the scene in Spinal Tap, when the guy pulls a foil wrapped cucumber out of his pants at the airport security checkpoint.


Well-Known Member
As of June 2010, there were 292.8 million cell phone users in the United States, which is about 93% of the population.

Unless they are on to you already they are not going to be tracking your movements.


hi everyone:shock: give them a reason,and it can happen. you could use a potato chip bag,its foil lined lol.Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open, perk up those ears.hold your head high and your joint.take a last puff. then plan the next grow ......after court.:cuss:


It's always difficult to know what to believe. There is so much disinformation and there and conspiracy theorists. Some of it's just bat-shit crazy, but others do have roots in reality. This seems like something that I would consider "plausible." It's amazing what LEO does. They tracked that attempted bomber in Spokane on MLK day to an online racist forum.

On the comment a while back about the battery source to keep time, that seems right. I'm certified with computers and that's something computers have. There is a small battery source in computers for when there is no power and since smart phones are computers, they may have the same.

For now, I'm just an indoor guy, but if I ever go outdoors - I'd probably just stay on the safe side and take the battery out of my phone b/c I doubt that that small power source for the clock and such (if it exists) would be strong enough to send a signal.