Was I wrong to do this?


Active Member
I have 2 autoflowers that are now flowering. Didn't ordered these, they were freebies. One started flowering so, I put it and one of my blue widows under the hps for 12/12 lighting. Then the other auto started to flower. I put the bw into flower for space reasons. Last night though, i put the other auto under the hps and took out the bw back to veg. It had stretched so much that it wouldn't fit in the cabinet with the setup as is so, I topped her. She is doing good this morning so i think I did ok. What do you all think?


Active Member
you NEVER want to stress a plant once its in flower.and its an auto flower so you cant just veg her shes in flower now.your probably gona end up with a hermie with all the stress your putting her thru.make room for her under your hps somehow and let her bloom bro.good luck!


Active Member
The blue widow isn't an auto. The freebie seeds that came with my blue widow order are auto's. They were NOT supposed to be auto's though and it really caught me off guard. This is my first grow. The bw in question was not under the hps for very long, about 5 days. I know she is stressed really bad now but she still looks good. I guess I'm just a newbie unprepared, and uneducated, about autos. Will my bw pull through with time though?


Well-Known Member
how much more do you think it can grow being topped? not much i am thinking, it will bush out BUT still go vertical at the same time. good luck with the reveg

my bad
i mixed your thread with one i was just reading about having limited space for growing .. lol carry on:leaf:


Active Member
The blue widow isn't an auto. The freebie seeds that came with my blue widow order are auto's. They were NOT supposed to be auto's though and it really caught me off guard. This is my first grow. The bw in question was not under the hps for very long, about 5 days. I know she is stressed really bad now but she still looks good. I guess I'm just a newbie unprepared, and uneducated, about autos. Will my bw pull through with time though?
O the blue widow lol my bad yeah she will be fine.just let her veg and get her 2 new tops going then put her back in flower.you should be fine
next time make room for the plant instead of chopping it in flower lol.even thought it was only 5 days it was still in full flower phase if you dropped your light cycle to 12/12


Well-Known Member
you should have kept both of your autos in your veg space to flower doing a scrog or lst grow to keep them short enough for your veg area.autos will flower in any light schedule.

and then you could have vegged and flowered the BW in your flowering room and just used the hps from start to finish on that one.

youll just have to wait and see what happens now.hopefully it'll be ok.


Well-Known Member
you should have kept both of your autos in your veg space to flower doing a scrog or lst grow to keep them short enough for your veg area.autos will flower in any light schedule.

and then you could have vegged and flowered the BW in your flowering room and just used the hps from start to finish on that one.

youll just have to wait and see what happens now.hopefully it'll be ok.
exactly , u should of looked up different method rather than topping u could of done lst w/ little stress to your plant