Dalek Supreme
Well-Known Member
There are several verses in the bible that would tend to indicate that the Hebrews were in fact African aka Black. The book of Enoch not included in but metioned within the bible almost positively confirms this as fact as it duscribes Noah as a white skin white haired baby with blue eye ad that this disturbed his dark colored parents whom compared there son to liken the watchers (aka fallen angels).
I myself feel that yes the true Hebrews are of Africa desent.
The Book of Enoch is not considered canonical, but a group of Ethiopian Christians do.
Can you point out these verses in the Bible, or in Enoch?
Secular scholars of ancient history, and Biblical studies see most of the Old Testament patriarchs as literary creations. The Old Testament is mostly mythological propaganda to unite nomadic people.
If anyone is interested here's Dr. Robert M Price being interviewed about Moses. Starts at 10:20.