The bible is a fairy tale!!!
There is more physical evidence about dinosaurs existing, then there will ever be about "Jesus" and all of his supposed accomplishments....But ask most Evangelical Christians and they will tell you that dinos never existed or the same creationist morons want you to believe that man and dinosaur co-existed side by side (check out the new creationist museum in KY that shows man riding dinosaurs like horses on saddles) ....these are the same idiots that ask you to believe the planet is only 6000 years old, or the dinos never existed, or that "Jesus" was who they claim him to be....lets move into the next millenium people....RELIGION IS A GOVERNMENT HOAX THAT WAS USED TO CONTROL UNEDUCATED MASSES BY USING FEAR, A HOAX THAT IS THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD!!!!
Born 12/25
From a virgin
Followed by 3 kings
had 12 disciples
performed miracles
was crucified
buried for 3 days
was resurrected
blah, blah, blah
So were these "gods"
Egypt- Horas in 3000bc
Greece - Attis in 1200bc
India = Krishna in 900bc
Greece = Dionysus in 500bc
Persia = Mithra in 1200bc
Before you try to tell me your god is the only god, make sure and do some more research and see where they stole some of the stories in the bible from....dont just watch the movie folks, do the research....