Was Lee Harvey Oswald framed?

Any attempt to change how the American dollar is backed can get you killed ask Gadhafi or Hussein. Gadhafi’s plan to quit selling Libyan oil in USA dollar, demanding payment instead in gold-backed “dinars” assured his date with death. Hussein's error was his decision to price its oil in euros rather than USA dollars. Both Killed by USA. Do we need to talk about Syria.
Kennedy but his final nail in coffin by Executive order 11110. Hell even Lincolns greenbacks helped to put a bullet in his head. In short do not fuck with the US dollar or you will soon be dead.
Well, with that logic we should start seeing some dead Chinese soon, because the Yuan is the currency of the future, not the dollar. Sad, but true.
By the time Trumps done, the dollar ain't going to be worth shit, because the world knows now that the USA is in decline with a madman at it's helm and isn't the only player in town anymore.
You know who really won with the Russian interference in our elections?
Fucking China, because when Trump withdrew the US from the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, that kicked the door wide open for China to totally dominate the Pacific region, and leave the US standing at the curb.
China is laughing at us, all the way to the bank
Any attempt to change how the American dollar is backed can get you killed ask Gadhafi or Hussein. Gadhafi’s plan to quit selling Libyan oil in USA dollar, demanding payment instead in gold-backed “dinars” assured his date with death. Hussein's error was his decision to price its oil in euros rather than USA dollars. Both Killed by USA. Do we need to talk about Syria.
Kennedy but his final nail in coffin by Executive order 11110. Hell even Lincolns greenbacks helped to put a bullet in his head. In short do not fuck with the US dollar or you will soon be dead.


They are above the American eagle, they will never tell you who killed Kennedy.
it's only a conspiracy theory ;)
Well, with that logic we should start seeing some dead Chinese soon, because the Yuan is the currency of the future, not the dollar. Sad, but true.
By the time Trumps done, the dollar ain't going to be worth shit, because the world knows now that the USA is in decline with a madman at it's helm and isn't the only player in town anymore.
You know who really won with the Russian interference in our elections?
Fucking China, because when Trump withdrew the US from the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, that kicked the door wide open for China to totally dominate the Pacific region, and leave the US standing at the curb.
China is laughing at us, all the way to the bank

take heart, they also know he has a term that will end..and it's not the american people.

They are above the American eagle, they will never tell you who killed Kennedy.
it's only a conspiracy theory ;)

oh dear god..any toast or potato images to confirm? let's start with star of david okra..it's called pareidolia..seeing familiar things, faces in objects, clouds etc..your brain does that, it looks for pattern recognition.

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@Jimdamick if Saudi does switch to the yuan for pricing of oil then yup there will be hell to pay for Saudi or China. Right now they still pricing oil with the dollar. FYI most cases war means kill the leader.
right now China is heavily link to the dollar via trade being that it a economic that relays heavily on manufacturing and export. I do agree that Trump is fucking us up in ways unknown.

ridicule all you want, pretty soon it will fall, the Mighty US dollar is being printed out of thin air (no cover since Nixon), and enforced on the whole world as a global currency, and when it falls, the rest of the world will follow, and your savings won't be worth shit, nor will your property.
ridicule all you want, pretty soon it will fall, the Mighty US dollar is being printed out of thin air (no cover since Nixon), and enforced on the whole world as a global currency, and when it falls, the rest of the world will follow, and your savings won't be worth shit, nor will your property.

don't worry, i'll have my illuminati jew brethren fix it somehow by duping you illiterate goyim yet again.
Wow, China seems the way to go. Nothing could ever go wrong there. Nope.

We needs to do something right now. Maybe we could value our money against some shiny metals. That would make sense. Why haven't we thought about this. Why won't somebody MAGA?!!!!
ridicule all you want, pretty soon it will fall, the Mighty US dollar is being printed out of thin air (no cover since Nixon), and enforced on the whole world as a global currency, and when it falls, the rest of the world will follow, and your savings won't be worth shit, nor will your property.
Oh my god!!!! Since Nixon? Holy shit. And now the khibinys! We are lost. Oh no. Help. Our property won't be worth shit. Not even the American Indians will want it back because they will all have great places outside of Karachi and shit. And now I hear that the Constitution is using algo-rythms.

Woe. Woe is us.

This really is the end.


I am totes freaking out.
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Russia, China sign deal to bypass US dollar

Turkey seeks trade in local currencies with Russia, China, Iran

Non-Dollar Trading Is Killing the Petrodollar -- And the Foundation of U.S.-Saudi Policy in the Middle East

US dollar set aside - China, Russia trade in local currencies
Russia, China sign deal to bypass US dollar

Turkey seeks trade in local currencies with Russia, China, Iran

Non-Dollar Trading Is Killing the Petrodollar -- And the Foundation of U.S.-Saudi Policy in the Middle East

US dollar set aside - China, Russia trade in local currencies

no more links from rense.com eh?

it only took you one time promoting a website that celebrates hitler's birthday by inviting the KKK grand wizard onto the show to learn that mistake, huh?
Oh my god!!!! Since Nixon? Holy shit. And now the khibinys! We are lost. Oh no. Help. Our property won't be worth shit. Not even the American Indians will want it back because they will all have great places outside of Karachi and shit. And now I hear that the Constitution is using algo-rythms.

Woe. Woe is us.

This really is the end.


I am totes freaking out.

The Nixon shock [1] was a series of economic measures undertaken by United States President Richard Nixon in 1971, the most significant of which was the unilateral cancellation of the direct international convertibility of the United States dollar to gold.

While Nixon's actions did not formally abolish the existing Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange, the suspension of one of its key components effectively rendered the Bretton Woods system inoperative. While Nixon publicly stated his intention to resume direct convertibility of the dollar after reforms to the Bretton Woods system had been implemented, all attempts at reform proved unsuccessful. By 1973, the Bretton Woods system was replaced de facto by a regime based on freely floating fiat currencies that remains in place to the present day.