Was Santa good to you?

I got some money towards the TV that me and the missus bought 3 weeks ago from the parents. And fuck all else. And I took the day of RIU...

About as christmassy as herpes.

Kids had a good one though.

I quit cigs a few years ago, so it would be kind of a back step to start up on ecigs. I understand people are making THC e liquid now, which might appeal though.

God bless China

Yes, bless those Chinee, without them I would not have this awesome pair of sunglasses that I bought at the Helen Keller store in Beijing. I wouldn't have my Fuma kicks or this bottle of Johny Worker Red Labial.

I am not making this up. NYT article today on it, but I can't copy and paste it.
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Funny how there is no mention of Jesus in this christmas thread.
Christmas has become more about useless material possessions,
than celebrating the birth of the christian sun god.
A commercialized holiday based on lies, but no one seems to care.

I got to spend time with my family, eat some food, and got laid. Good holiday on my end.
Jesus, I wish my spouse didn't have to go back to work on Christmas eve....

Besides it was a thread about what you got ie stuff if that's what you got..I'm glad you got to spend time with your family and got laid!
An 18 piece block of Wusthof knives, a paper towel holder, a ripple roll of papper towels, some shooting zombie targets, some Airwalk house slippers, a 25$ gift card to the hydro shop, a 50$ grocery card, and the woman let me give her anal

can i see a pix of those airwalk slippers? sound sweet..