Was wondering ..


Well-Known Member
If anyone can help me with this problem. Seem that I have 2 fan leaves that have developed slight rust/brown color. The top 2 fan leaves, I noticed today a tiny rust/brown spot and was wondering what the problem is..

Plant is 17 days old. 24/0 light. nuted once (one tbsp in 5 gallon water bucket)



Well-Known Member
The curling upwards of the leaf perimeters and the rusty discoloration are caused by over nuting, what soil is that? You will probably find that the soil has enough nutes in it to grow happily for a while.


Well-Known Member
So if I stop nuting, it will revert to its natural green? Or will it remain? Should I stop nuting for now?


it wont go back, the damage has been done...you can flush everything out of that soil and lower your nute strength while its that young.


Well-Known Member
I'm not over-watering. I'm watering when the [ot is light and the top 2 to 3 inches are bone dry. That takes around 6 days.