Waste of money!?


Well-Known Member
another thing about cheap, cfls arent cheap.

not if you want bud in any quantity (say gram a day habit)

then you need a shitload for veg and a bigger shitload of them for flowering (different bulbs too)
need to buy all that individual wireing and connectors and reflectors.
plus cfls bulbs give out quicker than hps, give less light for the same buck.

plus they run hotter as they get old and once you get up to using over 250w´s worth of them ARE actually hotter than hps to begin with.

and it sounds like you are going to end up with more than 250w´s worth of them (12 plants eh?) for sure.
and are going to spend more money on them in the long run.

of course starting out with cfls is great, easy and good way to learn to grow. cheap too.

if you just grow out 1-4 plants.

so how much weed do you need?

and those 12 plants are mostly going to turn out as really long toothpicks with a leaf or two if you are just going to use a few 23w cfls.
Fuck really isn't my day is it :/ ha maybe hps is the only way then , also probably the most stupid question in the world but you can grow by halogen lights , not very well but you can right ? so what about gu10's i know i probably sound so un educated on the subject but to be fair i am when it comes to actually growing myself. The only reason i ask is because i found a box of about a 30 of them from when i had an electrician in and i saw it said halogen on the box.


Well-Known Member
Or, you could go with plain old T12 shoplights, for veg, then decide what to use for flowering, in the meantime. They're dirt cheap, and work great for short veg times, like you're planning. Easy to hang too, and already come with reflectors. Keep 'em about 2 cm from the tops of the plants(even if you have to use boards or something for spacers, under the shortest plants) and I can almost guarantee they outperform the smaller CFLs(unless you have a pile of them, with very picky placement). And, if you can't afford HPS, look into SCROG growing, and you'll do pretty good during flowering, with those same lights(even though you will want to add more than you used in veg). Just another option. T5's would be the best, in this scenario, but much pricier. T12's will work fine, if you keep them positioned closely.