wat do you think of the new tattoo??


Active Member
Does she even smoke? I have always found her presence here odd. It'd be one thing if she at least talked about smoking or growing but all the threads I've seen her participate in have been completely irrelevant to either. Again I'll ask the question I know has been asked before, WHY ARE YOU HERE URCA? Not very many people even seem to like you on here.


Well-Known Member
OP, good for you. Not my first choice, but hey, it's your body...

Urca, good for you. Not my first choice, but hey, it's your body...

711, number 23 madness, eh? 12:21AM or PM, weird things happen for me.

Dizzle, keep on dazzling.

Meta OUT..........!


Well-Known Member
Some of you pretty boy Monday quarterback types may want to take your head out of your ass
long enough to take this to an appropriate thread and not foul this one.:finger:


Well-Known Member
Does she even smoke? I have always found her presence here odd. It'd be one thing if she at least talked about smoking or growing but all the threads I've seen her participate in have been completely irrelevant to either. Again I'll ask the question I know has been asked before, WHY ARE YOU HERE URCA? Not very many people even seem to like you on here.
um im here because i smoke weed. like everyone else. why else would i be here?


Active Member
Poor Urca, its hard to express an opinion of not liking something on a forum, and not come across badly.


To me, a tattoo's merit comes from it's meaning, uniqueness and from the story you have to tell about it. Actual quality of the tattoo isnt everything in the end. The guy who did my work had his ink done with a biro-pen in a Thai prison. I seriously doubt anyone would pull him up for the quality of his ink :p


Well-Known Member
Poor Urca, its hard to express an opinion of not liking something on a forum, and not come across badly.


To me, a tattoo's merit comes from it's meaning, uniqueness and from the story you have to tell about it. Actual quality of the tattoo isnt everything in the end. The guy who did my work had his ink done with a biro-pen in a Thai prison. I seriously doubt anyone would pull him up for the quality of his ink :p
true, i should have just kept my mouth shut, i cant change his skin, and I didnt mean to get all worked up, I just didnt like to be slammed for disagreeing.
As long as he likes it, thats all that matters


Staff member
true, i should have just kept my mouth shut, i cant change his skin, and I didnt mean to get all worked up, I just didnt like to be slammed for disagreeing.
As long as he likes it, thats all that matters
you are always entitled to an opinion its because you came in here thiinking youre the fucking queen of sheeva and your shit dont stink and you know EVERYTHING about tattoos is why you got flammed you argued yourself stupid over this one when a simple i do not like it couldve sufficed.


Well-Known Member
yeah ill stop being mean. I just got into an argument with some other people recently about not spending only small amounts of money in a shitty shop to get a peice of crap, I saved up for mine, and like I hate to see people with ugly tats that could have been great. I'll hold my peice though, i think I made my point and is too late to change.
I got tired of having to save to get a tattoo that may or may not be what I wanted or pictured...so I bought my own tattoo machine...
Now I can give myself and friends all the crappy tattoos they want...lol.

I really like that mario.
I want to get the caterpillar from Alice and wonderland. And quite a few other things...ah well, practice makes perfect, or at least better...Lol.