Watching plants die as I type this


Active Member
I JUST moved very mature plants from the stinkbud cloner (they were in there looking fine for 6 weeks) into the Stinkbud veg unit.

THEY ARE ALL DROOPING HARD, Worse by the minute.

The only thing I can think is a) I broke some roots, b) they are going from clonex solution to Advanced Nutes micro/grow (half solution) or C ) The water is a bit colder!

Help plz ASAP, this is happening now


Active Member
this is totally fucked, more hot water, turned on the heater. cut light intensity in half(8 t5s), rose them up a lil, cut fans


Active Member!!!!

Will moving plants from room temp water to cold water shock em and make them appear as if they have not been watered (roots get sprayed every 5 min)?

How long does it take until they've appeared to recover once the problem is solved?


Active Member
the only pic i can give you, is remember when you grew in dirt? and you came home and your plants looked dead cause you didnt water them? drooped straight down? otherwise green like before..

That is what they all loook like.

hoping its just temp transplant shock. fixed temps.
the only pic i can give you, is remember when you grew in dirt? and you came home and your plants looked dead cause you didnt water them? drooped straight down? otherwise green like before..

That is what they all loook like.

hoping its just temp transplant shock. fixed temps.

if you just transplanted clones into your veg nutes they will wilt and pretty much fall over as if dying. Not to worry within 24 -48 hours they will be standing straight up...providing your nutes arent too strong. This happened to me the first time I put clones in my DWC bubbler and I thought I was day or so they were standing up and looking good. I actually just put one in today and its doing the same exact thing you are decribing....chill and wait to see what happens...HOT water isnt good though...about 74 degrees is where you want it.

hope this helps...can I getta rep??


Active Member
thank fuck i nearly took up religion

I put hot in to mix with the cold.
yar incoming rep

if you just transplanted clones into your veg nutes they will wilt and pretty much fall over as if dying. Not to worry within 24 -48 hours they will be standing straight up...providing your nutes arent too strong. This happened to me the first time I put clones in my DWC bubbler and I thought I was day or so they were standing up and looking good. I actually just put one in today and its doing the same exact thing you are decribing....chill and wait to see what happens...HOT water isnt good though...about 74 degrees is where you want it.

hope this helps...can I getta rep??


Active Member
so evn though they look like shit. im gonna go ahead and turn on 4 bulbs, so full intensity 8 bulbs running and fan on low. gonna leave the light up where i put it til they stand up right


Active Member
They did already for the most part. =) yays

It was hard to fall asleep knowing they looked like that though. Thank RIU lol


Active Member
Ignorant. dont heat the water, dont cool the water, dont stand on your head upsidedown singing the national anthem! those clones WILL wilt-up a little through the mild shock, givem light&water and wait a week, I guaruntee you will see those bitches taking off!
Check out my diy cloner in my sig