water and light question


Active Member
can anyone tell me how many times i got to water the plant and what the light cycles are from seedling to budding and when the white thing from the seed comes out wich way do i plant it in the soil white thing facing up or down thnx for any help

for the vegatative cycle between 20 and 24 hours of light

for flowering 12 hours of light and 12 hours of absolute darkness-slamdfullsize what is the light cycle when i first put in the seed in the soil ty


Active Member
the white thing is the root... put it facing down.

light cycles... from what ive seen/read:

for the vegatative cycle between 20 and 24 hours of light

for flowering 12 hours of light and 12 hours of absolute darkness

water when needed, down drown it, but dont let it dry it either


New Member
Everything as above except you would probably be best giving the plants 18/6 on veg'. 18 hours of light. Plants need their sleep too. Also it is good to let the soil dry out as this allows more air to get to the roots. Another good tip is to give the pots a little tap on the floor before watering as this also helps to loosen up the soil.

Don't let your soil dry out too much. Your plants will tell you when they need water as the leaves will start to droop.

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member

I use 18 for veg. and 10 for bud/flowering (saves on energy, and less apt to get caught because i'm on a grid with the electric company which detects high energy spikes within the grid. But I also run 15 computers in my house. Electric company came out with the police once to see why I was using so much electricity. Computers saved my ass from jail). For early veg. state I run 24/7 the first week.

Very important when budding your plants make sure u have total darkness when plants are put to sleep. Any light entering will mess up your budding cycle and you might as well trash the plants. As for watering I water once a day. I use Rockwool cubes which stay moist all day. But with my hydro machines I have a special timer that turns on the misters every four minutes. I do however shut the system down when plants are put to sleep.



Well-Known Member
veg 24 hours of light (why do you think that Alaskan weed is so killer)

flowering 12 light & 12 total darkness (guy above right about total darkness)

white thing down

get a water meter (you know the kind you stick in the soil and it lets you know if the plant needs water)

Get a good grow plant food. I like Fox Farm Grow Big. It's a liquid plant food for lush vegetative growth. Man does it make a difference.

You will need a different type of light for the flowering stage and different type of plant food too.


New Member
Hey Vote, during flowering I give mine 12 hours and 15 minutes of light. The more light you give a plant the better it grows. You could probably get away with 12 and 55 minutes of light during flower with most strains but I'm new so wouldn't attempt this just yet. Giving them less than 12 hours light isn't beneficial to the plants.

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
Sure wish you were in my state. Would love to show you my stuff, as well as my set up. Stretching (lol) No strecthing here! Strectching from my experience comes from the light being to high above the plants. I'll try and post some pics. in the future to show you my set up and the stuff I grow.

See my White Widow Below. (The Thumbnail thingy below).



New Member
Sure wish you were in my state. Would love to show you my stuff, as well as my set up. Stretching (lol) No strecthing here! Strectching from my experience comes from the light being to high above the plants. I'll try and post some pics. in the future to show you my set up and the stuff I grow.

See my White Widow Below. (The Thumbnail thingy below).
Yes, but the light thing. More light makes for bigger yield. Even giving them an extra 10 or 15 minutes of light has got to be beneficial to yield. Whereas giving them slightly less should give you less yield.

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
Not sure as to if i'm following what your saying. I use 10 hours on, and 14 hours off! My buds are very fat and tight. did you not look at the thumbnail on the other page? Take a look again! As for yeild, On average I produce about 1lb per plant ~ This is after curring of course.

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
Nope on the 3-4 month veg! My plants finish up in 8-9 weeks! I'm telling you it is the grow food, the hydro systems, and the lighting. I veg. using T-5 floresent lights ($300 system) I veg. to fifth level, then set to bud using the 1000w HPS (simulates fall - Red spectrum). People freak when they see my plants. Buddy of mine who also grows said "That must be a world record" because he didn't believe me. Guess what? He now uses my system of growing! Type of plant also make a huge difference. I grow mostly White Widow! Will try to post some pics in the future.

Also note that I use a Reverse Osmosis System - 90 gpd which removes the hard minerals and allows the plants to take up nutes much better. Hard minerals are not good for the roots. I also use EZ-Clone 120 which is set into a special made tank that helps cool the water temp. down to 62-64 degrees (F). Healthy clones and roots are very important before vegging. Ph is also very important, cannabis needs 6.1-6.2 Ph through out the entire growing and budding cycle.

By the way i'm talking about cured buds, not leaves when it comes to the 1lb of weed.



New Member
Just a note to anybody reading this last post that ph in soil is o.k. up to 7. Just in case anybody gets confused like I did when I first ph'd.

Anyway Vote 2, all I'm saying is that if you gave them the extra light you would get even bigger buds. Alongside everything else you are doing to help the plants' yield, giving them the extra light can only help more.


Active Member
Sure wish you were in my state. Would love to show you my stuff, as well as my set up. Stretching (lol) No strecthing here! Strectching from my experience comes from the light being to high above the plants. I'll try and post some pics. in the future to show you my set up and the stuff I grow.

See my White Widow Below. (The Thumbnail thingy below).

oh my god... that thing is almost as big as my...

well, nm, but that things is freaking HUGE! where you live? i wanna hit you up for some of that stuff man


Well-Known Member
white widow isnt even known for having that high of a yield. i dont know, 1 lb per plant and flowering after the fifth level? ill admit im skeptical as hell. and i KNOW im not the only one

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
Well if your ever in Colorado send me a message, and i'll let you stop by and see. Hell I'll even give ya some to take back home to show off to your friends. Of course if you can stand after smoking a joint of my stuff. lol

As for Ph, yes they can handle upto 7.0. I do live in high altitude, and i'm not talking about high altitude from smoking pot ~ lol. I get about 24 of those per plant. it's the grow foods and schedule I use (mostly).

White Widow is known on average I think about 1/4 pound or there about's per plant. I have been trying to upload some pics but error comes up and say pics are to big of file size. I'm working on the pics and hope to have more posted soon.


talking about being on the grid .. how do u know if u are on the grid with the electric company? and how does 10/12 on flowering stage save you from being noticed? verses 12/12? cause that is only 2 more hours.