Water and nutrition


New Member
Hi im about to start my first bubble phonics grow and was woundering if some 1 could help me out , what sort of water should I use thanks


Active Member
If you are starting a dwc grow a ph and ppm/tds tester are mandatory, check your tap water ppm and if it's under 100 your good, another thing is either let your water sit out for 24 hrs to evaporate chlorines from water or use a tap conditioner used for aquariums also kills chlorine and heavy metals in water.
Good luck


New Member
So if its below 100 its good to go straight away what about nutes and recomended 1s

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Active Member
100 or lower is just pretty good for coming out the tap, I can't speak on experience if it's any higher. I use canna classic nutes, when it comes to brands its all personal preference really.
I would recommend adding to the tank weekly a beneficial bacteria to avoid root rot problems. I use pondzyme for this its cheap and it works.
Other things to consider adding would be silica, cal/mag supplement and a root stimulator ie rhizhotonic.

Make sure that you have no light leaks and insulate the buckets if you can, make sure that you're pump is around 1w per gallon (5w per 5gal bucket)

That should get you started.


Well-Known Member
This is just a topic that keeps going no matter what. It really depends on your own personal water supply. I use city tap straight to the res and never a problem, where people in others areas can't do that. My friend with my strains that lives 60miles away has never had the same aroma or taste that mine do and he uses the same nutes, just different water.

banks dank

Active Member
I use city water at a super high ppm like 300. Its not ideal because I don't know what exactly that 300 ppm is...my girls have responded well to it so far so I have faith in city water atm...
They make nutes that are meant for hard water and hard water conditioners witch I plan on using...

I think canna makes the hard water nutes and green gro makes the water conditioner...


New Member
Hey guys, I'm a long time lurker on these forums and this is my first post. YAY!

So here's my dilemma, its pretty similar to the OP. I'm looking into switching from soil to dwc. Like the OP I've been reading up on it a lot! Where I get lost is, if I use say a 10 gallon reservoir with a couple plants in it do I fill my reservoir with water, add the nutrients to the correct ppm then ph balance the water? Then when it's time to add water do you do the same, add water, check ppm, add nutrients then ph balance? Or do you pre-mix your nutrient water then add it to the reservoir then check ppm/ph? Hope that makes sense.


New Member
So when your water level gets low enough you just change the water completely then? I'm just asking because I seem to find two different methods when I search around. One is to keep the reservoir topped off and only change the water when switching from veg nutes to flower nutes. Others say to to just change it every 7 days.


Well-Known Member
Changing it every 7-10 days work well for me,it'll take care of a problem before I spot it.


Well-Known Member
By constantly topping off you will have a buildup of unused elements that the plant doesn't need or want at that stage and inaccurate ppm readings. Let them have a balanced meal and pull what they need from it then toss the trash and start over.

Surfer Joe

Well-Known Member
I use city water with a pH of 7.4/EC 0.5/290ppm and canna aqua nutes.
It's nice to know that they are made for hard water, but I suspect that the hydro stores in the area would know that and stock nutes made for the local conditions.