Water before harvest?


Was woundering how long after last flush should I go before I harvest? Is it best to harvest in A.M. after a night of darkness, or in P.M. after a day of sunshine? Which? On my first grow of White Dwarf. Picture is only 6 week old from seed but she has tripled in size and smell. 8 weeks on Monday from seed. Trics starting to get cloudy. Post pics before I chop down my Christmas tree! Camera on vacation.




Well-Known Member
how tall is that plant? what lights you use? i wanna get red dwarf so bad cus it has skunk in it..whats white dwarf? im assuming white widow X rudeleras(SP)


Well-Known Member
let medium and plant get bone dry.,makes for less water wieght during the dry/cure process.,.,flush with unsulphered black strap mollases


let medium and plant get bone dry.,makes for less water wieght during the dry/cure process.,.,flush with unsulphered black strap mollases
I am flushing with USBS mallases as we speak for a week now! Makes sense with drying without watering. I tested two bottom limbs a coule week ago and had rave reviews from my buddies, handed out free samples:weed:
Just abit early and they were the bomb!
Hate to see what happens with the curred sh_t??? (no I don't) I love to treat people.

My girl is less than 20" tall with faght buds swelling with resign. When I look at Trics with 60x they have streaming glands running tric to tric, Just starting to get clowdy at 7 weeks from seed. Sticky to the touch! Website say's 8 week 's seed to harvest (World of seeds, White dwarf) an they aren't kidding, lol. I am using FF soil and nutes. plus some extras just 4kicks. 400MH/HPS lights and a verrrryyy! controlled PH/PPM in soil envierment with RO water! I have two Afhgan Kush Plants i started at the same time and they are full of white pistals, flowering like no tomarrow. Vegged 6 weeks, so almost 2 weeks flower. Pics to follow this weekend!@:evil:




how tall is that plant? what lights you use? i wanna get red dwarf so bad cus it has skunk in it..whats white dwarf? im assuming white widow X rudeleras(SP)
Here is an some updated pics.
Not real sure what strains are combined but I will bet I will be getting more of these:lol:
I am harvesting todaybongsmilie
Happy Holidays to All


