water chem questions with new hanna pen


New Member
So i picked up a hanna combo ph, tdc ec pen this week to work with all the reading ive been doing.

if i read the chart right the ec is the reading /.5 for the hanna

Right now just running two aerogardens as trials while i work out my well water and such.

pen reads as follows
watter softner water water bypased from softener.
ph 7.79 ph 8.42
ppm 128 ppm 327
ec 257 /.5 =.51 ec? 666 /.5 = 1.32

So im assuming the conductivity is higher because the softener has not removed the minerals that raise conductivity?

i have an older ro unit from when i did saltwater fish that im going to hook back up in the new house soon.

So in my herb aerogarden which has been up for about 2 months now using just the standard aerogarden nutrients the water is reading
ph 6.32
ppm 1321
ec 2636 (/.5) = 5.2 seams a bit high.

does that seam right?


Have you calibrated it that seems really high. Try re calibrating and check again, if the ppm is really that high do 3/4 strength. Also try testing the water before adding nutes as well