Water chilling idea


New Member
First time posting on the forum, so I apologize if this has been covered before.

Is it ok to top up my DWC reservoir with frozen RO water? I'm thinking of using plain RO water, filling up some sealable bags, freezing them, then emptying the frozen water into the reservoir.

Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
You can do that but it sounds like a lot of work, just don't let the ice touch the roots directly.

The other problem is you are continuously going to be adding water to your reservoir, so your water level will keep increasing. I think most people who add ice use a bottle to freeze the water and then reuse it again.

The ice will melt fairly quickly with the heat so are you going to replace it every 4 hours?

Like I say it's quite a lot of work with no guarantee that you will avoid the root rot, have you considered the alternatives?

You could buy a chiller, use a bigger reservoir or use a product like Aquashield or Pondzyme?


Well-Known Member
you don't have the cash to buy a chiller why not pot them . or get a fridge off craigs list and make the fridge into a water chiller . would only cost 50 bucks or so to make a chiller from a fridge . it will look stupid but it works and it will keep your liquor cold as well . I drink beer. not a wine cooler girl.


New Member
I currently use a single 30lt reservoir that holds 15lts, where the water level is just at the bottom of the net pot. My water temperature hits 75 when the lights are on. I'm thinking that if i add 500ml of frozen RO water when the lights are on then I can cool the water so it's not so high and bring the water level up, killing two birds with one stone.


New Member
you don't have the cash to buy a chiller why not pot them . or get a fridge off craigs list and make the fridge into a water chiller . would only cost 50 bucks or so to make a chiller from a fridge . it will look stupid but it works and it will keep your liquor cold as well . I drink beer. not a wine cooler girl.
The fridge option is looking like a good solution, cheers.


Well-Known Member
Works great if you re running igloo coolers or something very well insulated like an igloo cooler. You can buy tupperware containers made for freezing and fill the with water. They come in various sizes and you freeze them, pop them out of container like a big ice cube and drop it in . If its a system made with igloos the temp will hold for days.