Water Chilling


Well-Known Member
No need to, when Legallyflying has already said so! I trust his word!

I don't have to worry about this stuff. I fight to keep my res in the correct temp range without having to add a heater to it! :lol:
Work in mining I know how that stuff gets processed.


Well-Known Member
If the pH is less than 6.5 or higher than 7.5, you will leach copper or iron (though iron leaching decreases sharply as pH rises) from pipes, and copper, zinc and lead from brass and bronze fittings, and of course, older solder. You can pickle the brass to remove most of the lead and lose copper and zinc on the surface, but over the years (15-20 in drinking water with neutral pH), the next layer of copper and zinc (brass) will also dissolve away exposing new lead. In typical low pH hydroponics solutions, leaching will be much faster than drinking water.While plants need copper and iron, high concentrations will stunt growth of both root and vegetation. Plants are less sensitive to iron than copper and iron leaching generally requires a pH below 5, but it will leach above 5 too and become toxic.


New Member
If you are just looking to chill your reservoir there is no need to buy a chiller. Then you gotta but pumps and a chiller reservoir and all that crap. I'd either go with the bottles of ice or the foundation copper line. Both seem like logical ideas. Just guess it depends on how handy you are and how creative you wanna get. Even if your room is at 75-78 degrees your nutrient reservoir is still gonna be warm compared to ideal temps. Especially later in the week after when it's been sitting in their for a while. Another thing that might help is a cheap airstone and pump. By aerating yor reservoir you should be able to drop the temps slightly.

Just make sure that you don't go too low with your temps. You really don't wanna be below 66 - 68 degrees. You may have to put a ball valve on whatever setup you do and regulate waterflow that way to tweak the temp.


Active Member
I am thinking the cheapest way to do this will definitely. Be the bottle of ice. I don't think I am going to go as far as burring a pine for geo thermal, that's q crazy lot of work.

Thanks everyone for the great ideas.

Unrelated how do I change the thing under my name that says stranger?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I am thinking the cheapest way to do this will definitely. Be the bottle of ice. I don't think I am going to go as far as burring a pine for geo thermal, that's q crazy lot of work.

Thanks everyone for the great ideas.

Unrelated how do I change the thing under my name that says stranger?
You can't. We think you are strange so that's your nickname. Seriously, it goes away when you post more.


Active Member
Well, I'll post as I go, not gonna rush to make pointless posts just to get that changed lol.

I am a week into my first bud, with a full crop in veg right now. I started everything off clones, and this is my first time ever growing, so this site is great for questions, lots of knowledgeable people happy to share. Once I order some seeds and do everything from begining to end I'll probebly get a little journal going.


Active Member
Well, I'll post as I go, not gonna rush to make pointless posts just to get that changed lol.

I am a week into my first bud, with a full crop in veg right now. I started everything off clones, and this is my first time ever growing, so this site is great for questions, lots of knowledgeable people happy to share. Once I order some seeds and do everything from begining to end I'll probebly get a little journal going.
Sounds great! Hope you enjoy your time here as much as I have since discovering it!

PS. The water bottle thing is great! The more your freezer is packed with goods, the more efficient it is! This means, FILL your empty spaces with water bottles filled w/95% water and keep on doing the "shuffle"! You are saving yourself $ in the long run by doing this!! I shit you not!