New Member
I don't know you. But I hate you. This is one place I can come on the interweb without that bullshit. Have a couple of guesses about you. First, if you were face to face with a lot of these people you wouldn't be opening your mouth so wide (I know the entraweb can make you FEEL tough). Second, You're RIGHT, no one is gonna do a damn thing. We are too busy growing the high quality marijuana you dream about. Finally, if you HAVE ever grown anything, I'm willing to bet it was bag seed on a balcony or under a fluorescent shop light. Then you probably got spider mites and burned the shit outta of your plant with miracle gro. If you WERE able to grow high quality cannabis, you might be a little more "chill" HOMIE. Sorry I hadz ta be net bangin on u Cuz.and you're a loser who has nothing to do but try and start shit with someone who's "clueless". Get a fuckin life. and my post stands i will break your fat face. whatchya gonna do??? My guess is nothing.
SERAPIS: VERYYYYYY innnnteresting. I also have never heard about this. Sounds logical. Instead of sending you hollow internet threats, I will also try a quarter or so this way and compare. Thanks for the info man!