Water curing over dried buds?


Well-Known Member
So I recently successfully water cured some bud that I harvested right at that sweet spot of dryness and I'm sold. That being said I let my last few plants dry past the point of machine trimming: basically I gotta hand trim it or it'll just crumble. I can pinch it lightly and it'll stay together but if I squeeze it: shake. Would water curing help rehydrate my buds or just turn them into soup?


Well-Known Member
Never tried it, never will. But I thought you want to put freshly harvested buds into water to water cure?


Well-Known Member
Piece of damp paper towel over the jar works. Can take smell away though do a tester bud. Sometimes it's better to just leave it dry

T macc

Well-Known Member
It won't crumble in the water. Just be careful placing the buds in the container/bucket. Let it soak for a day or 2 to rehydrate, or do a full water cure. Just jar it at the right time