Water Filtration help?


Well-Known Member
Last grow (and first) I thought i would be okay using gallons poland spring spring water.....got really expensive, and annoying to keep bringing back, but i saw it through to the end. Tap water here is no good, what's my best option? I'm keeping reverse osmosis filters in mind, but they're kinda expensive and it looks like you need to keep replacing all sorts of filters which is not cheap either. What is an efficient water filtration method that is good bang for the buck? Any input is appreciated. :blsmoke:


Active Member
The cheap route would be either a Pure filter at the faucet or a Britta Filter(pitcher or faucet). When you say your water is bad, what is the problem? Most tap water is useable after a correction with ph up or down( baking soda-Apple Cider Vinegar)

Edit: You could go ultra cheap by buying some activated charcoal from a pet store and rig up a cheap filter with some cheese cloth..Simple and better than plain tap water.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's wonderful water to drink, it's city water, but i'm not sure how plants like flouride and some of the other additives? I don't need to go extra cheap - i want quality - i just don't know if the extra like 175-200 for a good RO filter is worth it - besides pH, what are the effects on the plants from differences in water quality/?


Active Member
Flouride is an additive that 3/4 of the US population ingests anually, from municipal water supply. I don't think your plants will mind, I'd be more worried about high concentrations of chlorine and residual pharmecuticals. Chlorine can off gas if left in an open container for 24 hrs.



Somewhere doc111 mentions that grocery stores might have a bottled water machine that puts out 10-15pmm on the TDS scale. I think he says it's like $0.25 per gallon if you bring your own jug perhaps? He might have mentioned specific brands or whatever, I can't recall. Something like that would be great. You can also just make a distillery for your tap water.

One of the first things that came up in google : http://www.wikihow.com/Distill

Water from a natural spring still has a TDS score, probably just as much if not worse than tap. Mineral water is technically spring water. Really you want distilled water. Even if you don't make it yourself it's like $.50 or $.75 per gallon at Wal-Mart.

Good luck