

Active Member

I have done a few successful water cures and its always been nice white ash, smooth smoke and, ofcourse, a bit reduced taste and smell.

Could it possibly harm the buds if i throw in a few orange or lime peels in the last rounds of water change or do you think i should just try a smaller batch and see for myself?

I read about how dried out bud could be reyhydrated with orange peels and that it inherited a bit of smell from the peels so I just thought this would be a fun experiment. :D
using things like this increase the chance of the bud molding alot , so you should avoid this

i used to freeze my bud inside orange peels and then shake it in keif and smoke it. The taste is awesome but i dont think it is good for you
using things like this increase the chance of the bud molding alot , so you should avoid this

i used to freeze my bud inside orange peels and then shake it in keif and smoke it. The taste is awesome but i dont think it is good for you

How? I mean, the bud is already soaked in the water cure. Im not trying to be a smartass, im genuinly curious.

After the final water change the bud would be properly dried and stored ofcourse.
try it out on a small scale and see what you think, but I would personally only rehydrate things with water , trying to use fruits imo would just invite mold
What the fuck are you talking about? Fruit scraps are BITTER b cause humans aren't supposed to eat them. Why would you want your weed tasting like the shit you throw in the trash after eating an orange?